She’s measuring distances in light-seconds. Then the speed of light is 1 light-second per second
Thank you!
We have no choice. When she wakes up and is alone in a room she looks for a human and demands immediate attention
She doesn’t scratch or bite. She hisses like a full grown panther and no one ever dared to go further
My OnePlus 6 is still rocking
Yes, that’s her “do not disturb” sign. ED: one arm. She’s quite fluffy
Pretty sure the Egyptians were smart enough. But the European cathedrals cannot be explained w/o aliens
You need another cat. The orange one needs a pillow
I have seen one IRL in Kenya and afterwards googled it
The monkey scientists make no sense though
The circle on the pp ist (almost) euclidean
Technically true but most math is motivated by nature
This may have applications to “obscure physics topic”
– Mathematicians I know trying to justify their work well knowing that it has no applications
Light-second per second