tl;dr: he wanted some implementation in Rust, people said “but I don’t understand rust”, he said it doesn’t matter because those people don’t have to maintain it, nothing moved forward and he gave up.
tl;dr: he wanted some implementation in Rust, people said “but I don’t understand rust”, he said it doesn’t matter because those people don’t have to maintain it, nothing moved forward and he gave up.
I’m not a doctor, so I don’t.
It wasn’t focusing on anything. It was generating text per its training data. There’s no logical thought process whatsoever.
Nobody is talking about cosplay nazis.
I saw one yesterday (on another platform, not Lemmy). He just reiterated the same points, then gave a shrug emoji and stopped replying.
I mean that’s just another item in the long list of reasons you should not be using Network Solutions.
The sad part is, he’s right.
What manual hooks? All the systems I’ve used LE certs in have supported fully automatic DNS challenges.
Can you explain? I’m not much into cars, but that doesn’t sound right to me. A quick Google suggests maybe you’re referring to the open differential, but I don’t think that means that only one wheel is powered.
Switching to a more modern topic, the introduction of the Rust language into Linux, Torvalds is disappointed that its adoption isn’t going faster. “I was expecting updates to be faster, but part of the problem is that old-time kernel developers are used to C and don’t know Rust. They’re not exactly excited about having to learn a new language that is, in some respects, very different. So there’s been some pushback on Rust.”
Even most work trucks aren’t towing very often. Even on job sites, most of the towed equipment is either brought in the first day and stays there (though with minor relocations) or it’s brought in by the rental company, with their own vehicles.
If they wanted a Warthog, they should have gotten a Jeep.
Or built one. There are at least three fully functioning Warthogs out there, I think. I’ve seen the one at Weta.
Which vehicles have that? The base cybertruck has two motors for AWD.
I like the term that was applied to reddit, antisocial media.
The OP is not marcan, at least as far as I know.
Let’s see how the red state targeted tariffs go first. I live in an area that would be badly affected by a total embargo, but we also voted against him.
Yeah but the rules don’t matter any more.
I should not be forbidden from running my own code on my own hardware, right? But I should be protected from random code taking over my entire system, right? That’s why Linux restricts certain operations to root.
It’s easy to put code in the kernel. I can do it in a couple of minutes for a “hello world” module. It’s really cool that I can do this, but is it a good idea? Shouldn’t somebody try and stop me?
Yes, not being root stops you. Don’t run untrusted code as root.
In a relevant way, or in the US way where it wouldn’t have stopped this kind of attack?