“Life forms. You precious little lifeforms. You tiny little lifeforms. Where are you?”
- Lt. Cmdr Data, Star Trek: Generations
Honestly, I’m tempted to move This Might Be Lemmy from lemmy.sorld, considering federation issues, if it would be allowed.
Actually, Mirror Chakotay was depicted in Prodigy (along with mirror Janeway). He likes to torture people like any good Terrain boi.
Excuse me. “Boss of Me” is early 2000’s music, thank you very much. 😑😂
I like OpenStreetMaps’s solution. (Though you’ll have to dig a little - they don’t show names for large bodies of water like that by default.)
I do admit that while I found the plot ridiculous, I did find the character’s story interesting. It’s hard to go wrong with holodeck episodes, honestly.
I though of an interesting story based on that where from childhood, someone accidentally lives an entire simulated life based on the real world 20-40 years in the past and becomes a Starfleet officer in the simulation (down to a fake 4 years at the Academy, maybe with holo Boothby). The holodeck then gets shut off by real Starfleet officers. Besides the obvious emotional story, it would also be interesting if the simulation was accurate enough that the person’s experience made the captain decide to make them a provisional officer at the end of the episode.
I would agree season 3 is a great season.
I agree that the species was doomed, but I still feel like repeating a grief story was a bit insane.
I feel like the marketing for Artificial Idiocy comes down to three words: “Resistance is futile.”
As put aptly by one text (which I have yet to read): “When you trick somebody into participating in a small-time fraud, it’s called a ‘scam’. But when the scam is so big that people have no choice but to participate, it’s called ‘economics.’”
Man, I swear in DS9:“Bar Association” that Rom had the 2016 DC Flintstones comic pulled up on his PADD while doing research.
P.S Like the person in the video, I too use Linux.
Wasn’t he always kind of a cartoonish mustache twirler? I mean, he basically invaded Cardassia after the manipulation of his meme-ishly large ego.
The truth is Gowron is a cartoon, and that’s why we love him.
The secret about TNG:“Cause and Effect” is that it took place on February 2nd, 2368. 😉
Rom before becoming Nagus: “One day, Brother will die and I’ll get the money.”
“Generations of warriors from our house have jumped with this jump rope. Use it with honor, my son.”
On a side note, I have no idea if kids these days do jump ropes. Heck, when I was young not too long ago, jump ropes were just those mythical things from the TV - I don’t know if I ever saw one on a school campus (granted, I’m also on the spectrum, so it may have just been I was so bad at physical activities like that that I ignored them).
I’ll just predict there’s a good chance someone’s going to respond something like, “they’re always on them tablets these them days”, to which I say, Yes, that’s a factor in the problem, but I also feel like there’s declining social opportunities for kids in general. If I go on, it’ll turn into a rant that I don’t think fits the tone of Risa.
“…And the worst part is I can live with it.”
Gul Dukat on Empok Nor: I built a little empire out of some crazy garbage called the blood of the exploited working class, but they’ve overcome their shyness; now they’re calling me “your highness”, and a world screams, “Kiss me, son of god.”
Any plot involving Joran Dax: Each night I lie awake, completely alone. A voice is speaking, and I tremble, for it’s not my own, my own. I can’t ignore it, although I try. The intrusive whisper fascinates me.
VOY Endgame: Person from today, here is you in 2082 2404.
Weyoun: My evil twin, bad weather friend.
Murf in PRO: Mysteerious whisper. Mysteeeeeeeeeeeerious whisper.
LD Minding the Mind’s Mines: And what they found was just a statue standing where the statue got me high.
ENT finale: Everybody dies frustrated and sad
When Dukat killed Jadzia (or Rick Berman on the floor of his residence tomorrow 😉): Now it’s over; I’m dead and I haven’t done anything that I want, or I’m still alive and there’s nothing I want to do.
Let me guess: “Birdhouse in your Soul” and “Istanbul”? (Was Constantinople. Now it’s Istanbul, not Constantinople. Been a long time gone, Constantinople. It’s a Turkish delight on a moonlit night. Every gal in Constantinople lives in Istanbul, not Constantinople, so if you’ve a date in Constantinople, she’ll be waiting in Istanbul. Even old New York, was once New Amsterdam. Why’d they change it? I can’t say; people just liked it better that way.)
TMBG’s back catalog is very chungus, though - lots of stuff about death.
Oh my gosh, the next TMBG+Trek meme!
They Might Be Giants (the band)
As much as I think this post is on point, it’s incredibly ironic that it’s on Twitter. 😆
Ooh. That’s difficult to say. I feel like the holosuite ones are always great, but that’s nearly every Trek for you.
I can live with “In the Pale Moonlight “.
Yup. Always are.
As long as it’s in Debian, I’ll use it.