So now we have both irrational and fractional fucks, we have all real fucks, and since we can have “twisted fuck” we can rotate any fuck through any angle and we have the entire complex fuck plane.
So now we have both irrational and fractional fucks, we have all real fucks, and since we can have “twisted fuck” we can rotate any fuck through any angle and we have the entire complex fuck plane.
I love this post. Thank you.
I don’t know why Janet thought that the working conditions would be nice at the evil laboratory. It’s not exactly evil to take good care of your employees now, is it?
Fun fact: Most frogs don’t say ribbit, but one of the earliest film sound libraries included a frog that does say ribbit, and so that sound is the sound of a frog in many films and television programs, but not in nature documentaries which record their own audio.
So much of the English speaking world, far, far more broadly than the spread of that type of frog, think frogs typically say ribbit.
If you watch a nature documentary about frogs, you’ll hear a vast array of different sounds, and this map will make much more sense.
Thanks for the encouragement, kind fellow former redditor.
I have nightmares where the borrow checker is shouting at me incomprehensibly about the literal bugs and I shoot them with the clone laser and the borrow checker stops shouting for ten seconds, but now there are two bugs for each original bug and Tim Berners Lee floats by saying it’s not very idiomatic and I shouldn’t expect to get to work on time if I just keep stopping along the journey to spend all my time cloning the bugs.
I remember solaris. It’s not Linux, but it’s definitely posix compliant.
…or mint. Mint is good. It’s based on Ubuntu, but greener and less commercial. Also less orange. And it’ll feel moderately familiar without being even slightly the same.
They want men to choose who lives or dies. They absolutely do not want women to be in charge of anything. That’s why no exceptions in the case of rape and incest. A man made a decision, they don’t want a woman to have the power to reverse it.
Ah, thank you. I wasn’t sure. However, I am sure that I don’t want it going the wrong way up my personals.
I find that when you sign up for lemmy, you very much underestimate the extent to which the community is going to be invested in you sticking your dick in grape.
It’s not a complaint, really, and it feels supportive, in a way, but it’s definitely not what I was expecting. I mean, the whole area of soft fruit isn’t really a theme I was considering exploring in any kind of sexual way, if you can appreciate where I’m coming from.
I take your point about the possibility but I’m still drawing a bit of a blank in the motivation department, if I’m honest.
The comment about grape seeds isn’t making making me any more enthusiastic, I can tell you. No offence meant.
Sounds painful. Like gallstones, but backwards. On the plus side, probably less scratchy. On the minus side, maybe more citric acid.
Ah. Uhhh. Um, can I interest you in, like, a LOT more doughnuts?
I’ll tell you why not! You hippie homeopaths are all the same! Science has scienced the evidence that there’s no evidence for homopathic medicines otter than the libido effect.
Just looking though my saved posts, and this is one of them. Thanks again, @Track_Shovel.
Oh, you’re right. Crocs are much, much easier to wash.
See, everyone should plan their sexcapades on lemmy, you get very high quality advice.
Oh, wait, wait, I just thought of something. BRB.
On reflection, I think I’m posting too much in this thread.
I’m not sure what it means. I’ll talk it over with my shrink on Tuesday.
Are you boasting about your phat ass, or is it just such a mighty bubble butt that it would pop anything else that got near it?
Oh shit, that was meant to be a dm.
Never mind. Own it. Own it.
Yeah, I’ve got nothing to be ashamed of… No, no, that’s not always true, post-nut clarity and all that.
Er, we all have needs, and sometimes… No, no, that’s a bit entitled.
A mouth’s a mouth, and what two consenting adults get up to in their garden shed is of no concern to anyone. Yeah.
Just as long as its out of view of the window so Mrs Stephenson next door doesn’t get a bit of a surprise when she weeds the rose bed.
Dismissive of Kyle Rittenhouse taking his firearm across borders to go and murder someone for their skin colour, but splash him with a bit of milkshake and suddenly he’s super serious and it’s not funny and it’s assault and the full force of the law must be applied and politicians shouldn’t be subjected to violence etc etc. But violence in the street against immigrants because some right wing nutjob pretended that literally one criminal was an immigrant? No, that’s all fine and very understandable and people are just concerned. Jo Cox MP murdered for saying wouldn’t it be good to be nice to people for a change? “Regrettable.” Uber rich Nigel “fake man of the people” Farage with milkshake thrown at him? “OutRAGEous!”