That could very well be true, I could very well be in “good old days” haze mode because I remember being quite enamoured with the concept of it and content on it, as it felt like there was literally a thriving community around everything you could think of and it still felt “safe” compared to places like 4chan and web-sites like ogrish, etc.; places which intrigued but felt “dirty” in comparison. I think I also grew to hate it as I suddenly felt the reality of other people’s hate hit. I also learned basic photoshop among other things due to the communities there. I guess they still exist and I’ve become more bitter and triggered by the slightest indication of the socio-political blind spots that I perceive in people.
I guess there is a similar positive vibe I feel here too, as it feels like the whole decentralisation thing is worth a lot.
Top Left: Bilbo snaps while trying to get the ring from Frodo in a moment of weakness at Rivendell in Lord of the Rings.
Top Right: The ghostly bodies under water in the Dead Marshes where Gollum is leading Frodo and Bilbo in The Two Towers.
Bottom Left: Galadriel refusing the ring from Frodo while freaking out and explaining how she’d become evil if she took it in LotR.
Bottom Right: Part way through Smeagol’s transformation into Gollum in The Return of the King.