Imagine dunking on someone providing a meme, free of charge, for you to enjoy in the comfort of your toilet. Surely this can’t happen
Imagine dunking on someone providing a meme, free of charge, for you to enjoy in the comfort of your toilet. Surely this can’t happen
Wow Israel must be in panic it happens to them next.
With this method, I manage to get 14-fingered hands reliably. After that, the results get worse. 15-fingered hands work about 50% of the time. Asking for more fingers usually results in the summoning of a demon octopus, which is annoying to get rid of.
The nurseries and childcare facilities I work with are not thrilled but I love my job.
Can I grovel a bit first? I feel like I deserve some humiliation
Not sure where I fall into this chart.
I can tell you. You’re in the shit distro+shit browser part of the chart. Terrible choices. Not like my distribution which is so good. With a very good browser.
No I haven’t read what your distro is. Nor your browser. Irrelevant.
My distro? You wouldn’t know it. Very niche. But very good. Maybe the same as yours, but not the shit one. The good one.
Am I a moron? Sure. A moron with a good distro. (It’s ubuntu+chrome, if you know it)
He’s not transphobic, he’s “only” misogynistic. Which is only 50% transphobic I suppose
Yeah I understand. Still the reason I can’t play Sonic to this day. I’m a yellow hedgehog. Immersion is ruined, everytime.
So you dislike the thing that I like. Well, well. Guess what? I absolutely despise the things that you like. And the things you love? I abhor them. You must be a brute, a philistine, a barbarian, not only to have such an uneducated palate, but to have the foolishness to admit it. Ha ha, truly! This person has different tastes! Very bizarre but also absolutely wrong.
Ah, you know, cutting people off in the parking lot is something you never really forget. It will come back to you naturally as soon as you get back to the parking lot.
I do! It’s like a lemmy comment thread IRL. I can give my opinion to complete strangers, completely unasked for, and free of charge.
Hey @nieminen I like your socks
But I heard there would be at least a ‘Dorothy’ on board. So many people assured me they were good friends of hers.
Looks more like someone who would let the ring bearer decide whether to go through Moria.
Hello, I am Paul Newman, the famous actor.
stares into the camera
90 pages of backstop is significant, yes. When I got the role of Theodore in Alvin and the Chipmunks, I was bitterly disappointed by the lack of depth of the character. Almost no backstory was given to me.
more staring
On the other hand, my rendition of Dig’em the frog for Smacks was greatly improved by the 400 hundred pages lore of the character. I became the frog.
intense staring
Hmm. Did they explode because they were explosive? Or were they called ‘explosive’ because they exploded? The latter would mean that these particular explosives were an instantiation of an archetypal explosive, for which the explosivity would have been observed previously. In one case, we have an explosive by induction, and in the other an explosive by deduction. Fascinating.
Christopher Lee was allegedly there to give advice to make the fight more realistic.
‘Have you ever delved into the infernal pits of despair, Peter? Have you ever met a creature made of pure evil? Have you seen your comrades fall, taken one by one by a Balrog, until you’re the last one standing? I was in the SAS during the war, Peter, and you can’t imagine the atrocities I have suffered and given in return. Do you know what sound a Balrog makes while he is hurled across abysses of torment, Peter? It’s a sound that makes terror feel like pleasure. And yet I crave it, I cannot forget it and I long to inflict such a pain to another Balrog, for I loathe them, and I know no mercy for them and I have lost my soul. Oh, yes, Peter.’
That some kind of eastern thing?
Unusual obligatory non-paid working contracts. Good enough?
It’s been pretty clear for a while that Bibi doesn’t give a shit about the hostages. They’ve already served their purpose for him