Of course it can. Man, technology just keeps getting better and better! /s
Young humanoid in the UK. Proudly LGBT. Slava Ukraini! | they/them
Of course it can. Man, technology just keeps getting better and better! /s
I have multiple devices, but I just use my trusty KNOPPIX LiveCD to unlock the disk and move everything onto an external hard drive before either troubleshooting via chroot or just doing a clean install.
The Musl issues were a while ago. The other issues were experienced on the glibc version.
Void is a distribution I keep trying, but I believe I’ll be either sticking with the Arch family or switching to Gentoo, openSUSE, or NixOS.
Just the little things, really. App compatibility, xbps not having too many packages, issues with Musl, GRUB not loading on the LiveUSB, desktop/WM selection, and also I don’t like the way Runit works. I could make it work if I needed to, but overall it just seems like too much effort.
Despite its popularity, I’ve never had much luck with Void. However, I could try it again. 17th time’s the charm!
Yeah, either openSUSE or Gentoo will probably fix my issues good and proper.
That’s what I actually say. “Just use Linux” works better for the meme.
Tech support has been my status since I was 12. Honestly, I enjoy being able to explain stuff like this.
Good idea!
The link I gave them was for the organisation I moved the serious stuff to. I did this so I could have more basic, novelty, and experimental repos on my Codeberg, as well as so that other people can “join” the organisation to help work on the projects.
I don’t know where you got the idea that I’m pretending I can’t show people this stuff. That’s not at all the case. I am proud of the software I’ve written; I just thought I could organise it better.
Sounds interesting, but maybe a little too advanced for me.
My objectives are education and fun. I enjoy programming, I want to learn more, and I’ve been inspired by Brodie Robertson’s recent video on novelty software as well.
I’m also applying for computer science courses at a few universities at the moment, and I want them to be impressed. Two repos for projects that haven’t been updated since 2022 isn’t the best look.
Good idea, although I think I’d prefer to make a desktop app. I know HTML, but static sites are as far as my web programming goes.
However, with a bit of Python or C and a PGP library, I could probably have a go at making an encrypted P2P chat service.
Interesting. I think an online Markdown editor, maybe with S3 as a storage backend and a button to convert to PDF, could be a useful CRUD webapp. Great idea!
It might be a bit too professional for my personal repos, though. More suited to the organisation I just moved everything to.
And Kandalf
That’s why I ended up installing ArcoLinux on my ThinkPad: it uses Calamares.
Ha! Yeah, I remember that phase. I was planning to install LXDE as my first distro, simply because I thought the wallpaper looked cool.