Editoria, sintetizzatori a tempo perso e anticapitalismo.
Luigi / Duck Hunt. What the hell does that mean?
I believe it’s either The Blues Brothers or 2001.
Durov has been blacklisted in Russia because he refused to cooperate with Putin’s government on several occasions.
Knight moves to C-2, black responds by expanding the chessboard with rook to H11.
Horoscopes & astrology, and celebrity gossip.
Give me Disco Elysium-tier choices in story development and dialogue.
Didn’t New Horizon have a DLC AND a microtransactions-riddled mobile game?
My money’s on an Animal Crossing, possibly not immediately on release but close to it nonetheless. New Horizons had just too much success for the company not trying to ride the wave, and they have so much room to improve on the mechanics and the variety of the setting.
Please do yourself a favor and read the original graphic novel this slop Is based upon. McGuire’s Here is stunning, innovative, incredible and imaginative. Which makes me even mas when thinking it’s being turned into a movie.