• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • You reply like a retarded propoganda bot. The map you are refering to is misinformation, in 1946 Palestines owned less than 2% of the marked land. The rest was state owned, first by the othmans, then the Brits.

    Israel is commiting many war crimes, but genocide is not one of them. On the count of killing Palestinians Hammas is way ahead and killed much more than Israel did.

    And for your last paragraph, I already wrote, it will not eliminate Hammas.

    The reason Hammas attacked Israel has nothinng to do with the shit you said, it’s because Hammas is a religious group that want to kill all Jews world wide, and then put the shria law every where. They are not different from ISIS.

  • Hammas local command is built in tunnels under an hospital in Gaza Strip. The options Israel have are: A. Don’t hurt Hammad to save Palestinians but suffer more attacks on Israelis. B. Kill every last hammas member, getting some Palestinians dead, but saving its own citizans.

    Shity options, one has to be made.

    On the grand scale of things, Hammad directly killed more Palestinians than Israel did. They murdered membera of FATAH for example. So if this war actually eliminate Hammas (spoiler: it won’t) than it will save the life of many Palestinians that don’t agree with Hammas.

    But wannabe leftists on the Interwebs from safe westarn countries want to be cute and defend Hammas cus they are supposdly the opersed party.

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