“🎶everyone wants to be, my enemy”
“🎶everyone wants to be, my enemy”
let the person choose.
i could make a congo joke here but I’d rather sleep
pdf to brainrot
expected Slovenia, got Poland
guilded could be consider one but really matrix and revolt are the privacy ones
the youtuber known as jacksucksatlife has the card framed
may improve some of those but why aren’t openai or elon musk focusing on medical and other places where it could really help, oh… oh… oh…
when i was watching tiktok (i hated it before i used it and i don’t know how my mind was changed) i saw memes of covid and monkeypox
would work for 4channers
probably highly advanced in terms of reddit
hack and put it back and make it break everything if removed
do you have a attention span of 0.5 seconds?
they stopped the linux thing after backlash
i will check what they switched to in the article, edit after i find out
edit: own platforms
lead developer for Skype would get any estonian to accept
expresso macchiato
i know the target
nah mate, he just loves the tagging feature.