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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • You don’t

    You have lived with diffuse boundaries for some time and are now reaping the penalties. You can and should proceed with care and grace as you implement boundaries and define roles to move to where you want to be but it is absolutely foolish to think that it will not be at least a little hurtful to your pseudo partner.

    they will implement their boundaries in response to changes you are proposing; you have to respect these. If they chose to leave and tell you to fuck off then you have learned a valuable lesson in why you shouldn’t let boundaries be so diffuse for so long through so many changing contexts.

    It’s not realistic (usually) to expect you to know everything you need and want from a relationship up front but when contexts change you need to clarify what is and is not okay. If you’re okay with keeping it casual after things don’t work out that’s fine but make sure they’re aware. If they suddenly have to move in consider the boundaries of the situation again: are they still cool with keeping it casual? Are they now that you share a bed? Are they now that you’ve purchased a bed together?

    If you’re the one that wants it casual and wants the door open for new relationships it’s your responsibility to make sure your partner is aware of where you stand. One could say your friend/partner is foolish for assuming you’ve changed where you stand, and they’d have a valid point, but one could also say that you’ve been very misleading here. Boundaries need to be enforced and they need to be occasionally reviewed as contexts change, otherwise they fade away

  • There are people who have claimed to have been banned for sharing their servers with family and friends. In a lot of cases plex has reversed the bans, to be fair, but not always.

    But that underscores the issue with plex: you don’t own the rights to your locally stored media or the ability to stream it using their software. They do, and they can terminate it at any point for violation of copyright. which means literally every user of plex, unless there’s someone out there literally serving just their home videos or something.

    Like I said in my original post I don’t think it’s necessarily a “burn it all down” situation. If you’ve paid for plex and/or have your library all set up might as well keep it there until something changes. But if you’re just starting out or you got banned? Jellyfin all the way. At least then you know you’ll always be able to stream your media as long as the hardware works

  • So I will concede that I can’t find any after 5 minutes of searching. I could’ve sworn I read an article about sharing user data to German authorities but I can’t find it all. I did find articles about them banning entire hosting providers in Germany they found suspect because of high rates of pirate servers on said hosting, maybe that’s what I was remembering. Either was I was w-w-w-w-wrong on that point, edited original comment.

    I still maintain fuck plex. They are trying to whitewash away their association with piracy with ugly decisions and policy. I don’t trust their software.

    First from plex themselves:

    “It is Plex’s policy to document all notices of alleged infringement upon which Plex decides to take action. As with all legal notices, a copy of the notice may be sent to one or more third parties who may make such notice available to the public, including as a part of legal proceedings.”


    While you can (for now) opt out of targeted advertising related data collection you cannot opt out of all data collection unless you delete your account and specifically request your data to be erased. Even then they may not honor this request if there is a legal issue regarding copyright

    “After verifying your identity, Plex will delete Personal Data associated with your account except that we may retain archived copies as required by law. Keep in mind that this option will result in the full deletion of your Plex account itself (including any subscriptions associated with that account such as TIDAL or Plex Pass). The account will no longer be accessible once you do so”


    They can and will ban you for hosting pirated content servers to others because it reflects poorly on them. This would be whatever except a plex pass is like $140


    The aforementioned note of them banning an entire hosting company because of a high rate of pirate servers, catching legitimate users in the crossfire:


    Plex is more mature than jellyfin and has a ton of financial backing but in my experience jellyfin is 90% of the way there (especially if you use kodi as a frontend to make up for jellyfins weakest attribute, the inconsistent and often weak player apps). Plexamp is probably the biggest disparity, jellyfin has music players that are somewhat there but Plexamp is really good. That said it’s worth it, imo, to forgo that to have a solution that is entirely local and not reliant on a company that is increasingly worried about their association with media piracy

  • TV stations used to do this in the late 90s and early 2000s (maybe they still do it, idk) to increase ad space given the fixed time formats of the medium. Hulu doesn’t really need to do that, they can just make the ad breaks longer.

    they could be doing it, it could be for nefarious reasons like making longer ad breaks seem perceptually shorter, it could be something stupid like they’re use the masters that were destructively edited by the above process (see 90s cartoons like ren and stimpy, Rockos modern life, Beavis and butthead, etc that retain censorship to this day because the original masters no longer exist unmolested), or (imo most likely) it could just be a technical issue. Most/all streaming networks have totally garbage apps and it wouldn’t shock me at all if their player introduced issues that fucked with timing at the expense of draconian drm or just bad lowest bidder coding. Of course, it could also be a problem with your setup

    Easiest way to resolve these issues is piracy. You already have a plex server, nice. I recommend jellyfin to anyone starting out. Plex is fine but they have reserve the right to snitch on users in certain situations so fuck plex. If media companies stop being greedy and splitting catalogs all over the place then maybe reconsider. The music industry figured out how to have multiple vendors that all have 95+% of each others catalog, movies and tv can do the same. They’ve even gotten to the point where the apps are as good or better than my pirated library. My flac library is imperceptibly different from apple lossless, they have lyrics ready to go for the overwhelming majority of tracks and most are time synced (which I can’t be bothered to do for a 2tb music library, automated lrc downloaders are often wrong in my experience), their app has great ui, and with recent updates I can even remove vocals from literally any song. I’ll happily pay $120 a year to not bother with maintaining a ratio on red or dealing with mislabeled shit on soulseek

  • The best pan is the $20 no name stainless steel pan from a restaurant supply store. Cast iron is for Dutch ovens that need to retain heat for stews and curries and shit. Anyone that genuinely prefers cast iron over stainless just doesn’t know how to preheat a pan and use cold oil. “Oh I want a pan that requires ongoing maintenance, can never be properly cleaned, isn’t actually non stick at all, and weighs 900 pounds so doing any kind of toss is a total pain in the ass”

  • Depends on the piracy site. If you go to some of the pirate streaming sites or the blogs that host tons of pirated software with 30 rapidgator links that die after a month (instead of just using a torrent like a normal sensible person trying to share a 2-30+gb file that is begging to be taken down) without Adblock it’s absolutely comical how many ads there are. Even with Adblock those are the sites that manage to still have ads because they’re on the cutting edge of sketchy shit. It’s like seeing a late 90s to early 2000s website with how much random bullshit is pasted everywhere

    Despite that I’m pretty sure that Amazon, google, etc do far more nefarious shit behind the scenes in terms of tracking/fingerprinting you and collecting data to sell

  • It’s a trivial repair assuming that’s the extent of the damage and there’s not any quirks associated with an extremely complex medical device that has no documentation whatsoever. Like maybe after not having the controller’s power supply connected for such a length of time there needs to be a calibration process upon bringing it back to life that can only be done with proprietary software

    The biggest thing though is that by going in and fixing it yourself you open yourself to the possibility that the company will now say “oh this was worked on by someone else and that’s why it’s broken, we won’t work on it now”. That’s the state of repair rights in America, vendors are openly hostile to people who fix their own things even if they do it sufficiently. We used to have political representation that gave us regulations to allow us to work on and even modify our cars without impacting the warranty but that’s been eroded and there’s not really anything of that nature for tech stuff (other than judgements saying broken warranty seals don’t count for anything)

  • What kind of tv? For webos it’s potentially a bit complicated but also potentially stupid easy depending on which version of webos your tv has


    I would strongly suggest avoiding nvm even if it’s supported unless you’re very comfortable with hardware hacks. The others are all software and fairly easy to do if you’re capable with following instructions. The most recent, dejavuln, is fairly simple but can be a bit finicky (you may have to try a bunch of times) but lg is also rolling out patches for it so if your tv is updated you may be out of luck. It’s hard to say because the patches aren’t rolled out unilaterally. Webos is a bit confusing and there are many “branches” that all have similar features but wildly different numbering. If your tv is patched block updates by either disconnecting from the internet or blocking the above sites in your router and watch the webos homebrew discord (linked on that site). There are people actively researching new exploits and if one pops up it’ll be discussed in the discord first (and if it’s a big deal, like they expect it to be patched, they usually ping everyone to let them know to do it asap)

  • that’s why the internet fucking sucks now. Everyone’s too afraid to make their own site and lazily relies on the conglomerates of social media, which has reduced the internet into like 5 websites that repost each others content

    Also seeing isn’t converted to income, especially on instagram. The more hardcore comic fans may want to see your work in full, may want to follow the story if there’s a narrative to your comic, see your arts evolution, etc. and they’re probably the ones that are far more likely to drop cash on merch for a series they enjoy. That’s why you combine the approaches, post comics on instagram or whatever to get the word out, and have a site so your hardcore fans can easily browse your work (with the added bonus of letting people who don’t fuck with social media also see it)

    Again, or don’t, I don’t care. Post everything to facebook and twitter, make the internet just 2 websites instead of 5, refuse to have control of the primary platform your work is shared on, whatever

  • If they don’t want their comics browsed that’s their choice of course but it seems pretty silly. What if instagram deleted/bans their account for nonsense? Goodbye audience and archive of everything you’ve ever done

    Used to be you got a free webhosting account and posted comics to a gallery on a shitty handmade webpage until you built up an audience or gave up. If you got bigger you’d move to a better site with a custom domain and new readers could catch up if they were interested. Achewood, gunshow, dinosaur comics, questionable content, xkcd, penny arcade, nedroid, etc all started about this way and many of them continue to this day. Use social media for promotion, not for archival

    My guess is they don’t want to bother with people who aren’t willing to fuck with facebook, twitter, pixiv, etc. or they don’t know how to make a free website. Whatever, just means they lose the audience of people who refuse to use facebooks bullshit

  • Hosting is cheap and there is free hosting available if you don’t care about having a custom domain and have a limited audience. If your audience is big enough to go past that bandwidth you can probably monetize somehow and cover server costs easily, even if it’s just selling a few pieces of merch. My website is $80 a year with a custom domain and I get unlimited transfer/bandwidth. It’s shared hosting so over about 1k visitors per day means it’ll get slow but if you’re getting that kind of traffic you can probably sell more merch and get a vps

    Use twitter/pixiv/ig for promotion but if you don’t do the above your locking out anyone who refuses to make account. All of them won’t let you look at more than 1-5 images before locking you out entirely with account nag screens that can’t be bypassed. Or just stay on those platforms, I don’t care, I’ll just never read your comic