Unbelievable that people still think that Bernie lost to Hillary in a fair fight.
Unbelievable that people still think that Bernie lost to Hillary in a fair fight.
No, because when someone accuses you of something, you start wildly shouting “show me where I said that” instead of “no, that’s incorrect”.
As we’ve seen, they don’t work at all if countries like India and China are still willing to trade with them via backdoor channels.
If there was any justice in the world then he would have died during his first term.
Getting harder and harder to remain a peaceful person in current year.
Unless, of course, the Boomers benefit from advances in medical care and are rich enough to prolong their lifespans. Then they could continue ruining the world for half a century!
Really should call it Old Jersey to prevent confusion /s
It is about the super rich. It’s not correct that nothing ordinary people do has any impact, but the impact of one day of my life vs one day of Taylor Swift’s life differs by multiple orders of magnitude.
Let’s read this! Sure seems like Trump’s “envoy” had no business engaging in diplomacy with a foreign power. Not that we’ll ever see his administration punished for anything, given how many of you fuckers seem to crawl out of the woodwork anytime anyone is slightly less than worshipful of Daddy Trump.