“Be the change that you wish to see in the world” - Mahatma Gandhi*.
“Be the change that you wish to see in the world” - Mahatma Gandhi*.
That goes without saying
I always want to rewatch HIMYM because I do remember enjoying it but I get one or two episodes in and I loose the taste for it because of how bad it ended. Really only one of a few shows truely ruined by the ending.
If money is NO object then I’d buy the US government and make the US visitor friendly. I mean I’d really like to see the pained desert, New Orleans, New York, New England in the fall, hell there’s heaps of the US I’d like to visit and it seams to me that you can buy the US government for a couple of hundred billions.
“I’m telling you, Molotov cocktails work. Any time I had a problem, and I threw a Molotov cocktail, boom! Right away, I had a different problem” -
Jason Mendoza
But it is the fact that it will end that gives our life meaning. If we didn’t know that it’ll end our lives would just be an endless loop where because it all happens nothing will matter. As Todd May says “One has a place in the cosmic process of which one’s own existence is a fleeting moment, but a moment nonetheless”
Maybe it’s a because I’m rewatching it right now but the first couple that jumped to my mind was Andy and April from Parks and Rec. Andy is very warm and bubbly and April is not. They’re a very fun couple but I’m not sure about breaking gender roles so much as just not really caring about them. The rest of the couples in P&R are pretty good friendship and passion combos from Ron and Diane’s practical seriousness to Leslie and Ben’s friendly romance. It’s the first place I heard the phrase that’s become my relationship touchstone “I love you, and I like you.”
Control? I was just thinking that was a sweet Baltaro Mod.
It’s not hard to see why people get bothered by Wheel. When you play a Wheel card it’s a 1 in 4 chance in the way that it’s like rolling a 1 on a d4, always the same no matter how many you play. But physiologically it feels like it should be like drawing a spade from a deck of cards, the odds should get higher as you draw non-winning cards.
“You could never just do the expected, I was just an idea in a bog, But you sewed up your dream and we made quite a team, Jim and Kermit, a boy and his frog.”
The US Ghosts is so stupid… and so fun. I can’t get enough of Hetty and her gilded age “I’m rich and you’re not” attitude and her love of cocaine.
I’m very disappointed by the lack of ‘The Middleman’ here. A very fun show with a very spunky Natalie Morales. Based on the graphic novels by Javier Grillo-Marxuach and Les McClaine, but the best part was that Javier Grillo-Marxuach was the show runner so it really didn’t lose that crazy fun factor of comic books nuttiness. Seriously rock eating aliens, zombie flying fish, boy bands trying to take over the world. It only got 12 Episodes and it’s still got 100% on rotten tomatoes and even over an 8 on IMDb.
Where I live the commercial TV evening news shows are completely Murdoc level conservative trash. I still watch them I guess.
One of the coolest things I’ve ever heard about Office Space is that Mike Judge had a alternate ending where when we check in at Peter at the end of the movie and his new construction boss is just another Lumburg. Which really hit home with the fact that it’s not the office jobs that sucks, all jobs suck.
You know most people don’t need two comments to up vote “Office Space”
Yeah his buddies from DOD’s PR and from the NSA. /s Yeah I’d believe that the whole novel really reminded me of a YouTube of some war games.
My second favourite crazy conspiracy theory is that Tom Clancy didn’t really exist and that he was the front man for the CIA’s public relations office. Red Storm especially leads this as the whole novel reads like someone took a high level war game and tried to make a novelisation out of it.
You lucky So-and-So! It’s a heap of fun!
It was a quote that I read on lemmy. Someone was talking about dealing with suicidal thoughts and he asked his friend why he shouldn’t kill himself. His friend thought for a minute and then looked at him and said “Mornings are pretty nice.”
It was at that point he realised he shouldn’t be looking for some great reason for some great reason for life and instead just be.
These are the crazy years.