Android without a Google account is great though
Android without a Google account is great though
As a fellow Futo user: it’s not great out of the box. My biggest recommendations are:
Also, two super useful shortcuts: you can press the space-bar and move your finger around to move the pointer; and the same for backspace to fine-control what to delete.
Hope this helps, but if not… What additional gripes do you have with it?
Will do! Thank you!
That sounds great. I think I’ve given it more than a month overall, but probably never longer than a week at a time. Guess I’ll have to have my SO hide my normal keyboard lol
I built and configured an Arkenswoop some time in 2023. It’s really nice. However… I have gotten quite fast on a conventional keyboard just by using it over the years, and re-learning that is just so tedious. Every time I try, something with a deadline comes up, and I switch back “temporarily”.
Anyone have experience overcoming this?
Fair… Sorry, I always forget how prominent Apple devices are in the US.
Thunderbird for mobile is great! And in contrast to the gmail app, search actually works, lol
They blamed it on the communist party, yes. There were 8 parties represented in the Reichstag at the time though.
If you feel like everybody else is crazy… I got news for you Buddy!
Oh, agreed - I was just trying to engage with the hypothetical that “cool” was plastering all over this thread.
I have one big frustration with that: Your voice input has to be understood PERFECTLY by TTS.
If you have a “To Do” list, and speak “Add cooking to my To Do list”, it will do it! But if the TTS system understood:
The system will say it couldn’t find that list. Same for the names of your lights, asking for the time,… and you have very little control over this.
HA Voice Assistant either needs to find a PERFECT match, or you need to be running a full-blown LLM as the backend, which honestly works even worse in many ways.
They recently added the option to use LLM as fallback only, but for most people’s hardware, that means that a big chunk of requests take a suuuuuuuper long time to get a response.
I do not understand why there’s no option to just use the most similar command upon an imperfect matching, through something like the Levenshtein Distance.
From what you keep repeating over and over in this thread, it seeks like you think the German state should seize Tesla’s assets and sell them off.
That is an absolutely ridiculously unrealistic idea. But hey, let’s say you start campaigning for it TODAY. You start convincing all the “low average intelligence” people in order to get a sufficient portion of the population on board to sway politicians to seize Tesla.
(Note that this is not 50%; for example, legalizing abortions has had far wider support in the German population for a long time, yet it’s not happened so far.)
So let’s be really, REALLY optimistic and say, in 10 years you will be able to get a government voted in which enacts the seizure of Tesla assets, agaojat all corporate-backed influences and interests. And somehow change the Grundgesetz so Tesla can not spend years moving up the courts to prevent this.
Do you see how this does nothing TODAY? I’m all for the systemic change; go vote and campaign in that direction, but here, in this comment section you are not offering a realistic or timely solution. Should nothing he done until your “perfect” solution becomes workable?
Now judge it by how good the end result looks
But also… The fuck?
Kagi lenses “focus” the search. So normal web search definitely can contain fediverse results, but with the lens switched on, you ONLY get fediverse results.
I’m sorry, but have you never had actual Cheddar?
Hairspray is already a step too far for “just throw it up in a know” tbh
How do you keep your hair UP all day?!
Like, seriously asking. Just… Cannot get it to stay up
Yeah OK, that’s fair. It’s really a shame how dependent notifications are on Google. ALl the other things - Mail, Photos, Drive,… - are a lot easier to replace.