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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: January 17th, 2024

  • You have to understand that GDP and energy demands are intrinsically tied. That’s a fact, both theoretically and empirically verified with historical data. When the GDP rises, energy demands rise. And the reason why energy demands rise is not to meet people’s needs but because the 1% seek to increase GDP (through individual corporation stock values) which in turn increases their profits, since like I said they absorb all of it. That is why it is relevant, because it’s a matter of wealth accumulation by the 1%, not because people need more energy. That is backed both by the fact that the common people don’t get anything out of the increase in economic production(the bottom 80% like I’ve said have had a stagnant wealth since the 1990s in the US, although the global GDP has risen 5-fold, even though the population has risen and hence the people in that 80% has risen as well) and by the fact that the population increase has been just 50% and the increase in wealth ten times that.

  • Yes it’s obviously better than using fossil fuels, nobody’s arguing that. What I’m talking about is the direction the global economy and the people making the decisions are taking.

    No matter how much nuclear energy you use, you are still putting a lot of additional strain on the environment. It’s not just the CO2 emissions that matter, that’s just one of the problems. It’s the increase in extracted materials for data centers, reactors and nuclear fuel, which causes the destruction of multiple ecosystems and the contamination of waters and soil from the pollutants produced(even radioactive waste in the uranium case).

    It’s also that Google could have been taxed more(I’m sure they can take it) and the money the government gained could be directed to investments on nuclear plants that would actually replace fossil fuels instead of adding energy demands on top of them. Because the fact of the matter is that in 2024 we categorically cannot be talking about not increasing fossil fuel consumption, we have to be talking about how to reduce emissions drastically every single year and why we are already tragically behind on that regard.

  • I didn’t say I don’t find differences between them, you are putting words in my mouth once again. I said that the differences are miniscule to me considering how ideologically opposite they are to me. I deeply care about what they do, if I didn’t care, I wouldn’t hate them so much. This argument doesn’t make any sense. If I don’t care about what they do, then why would I hate them?

    Am I spreading voter apathy? Apathetic are the people that go vote for these two oligarchs without thinking about it ever. These fanatics are apathetic. I’m actually trying to make people think about it. I hate them and I’m explaining why it is so, I’m not apathetic about them and I don’t want people to be so, I want people to hate them as well, why is it so hard to grasp? Why do you say unrelated, wrong stuff and have me waste my time answering them? This is so clearly not what I said.

    For the last part I don’t know what to say honestly. You say I don’t know how the status quo works(?) and your argument for it is some of the most vague phrases out together ever. “We had governments in Europe, America, Asia and Africa that worked against corporate interests until people became apathetic about it”. What am I supposed to say to this lmfao. No justification, nothing specified, no thought put into this, just vague, unrelated words put together.

    If people like you, on the dnc payroll call me fascist(even in the most shameless way) I’m doing something right. This was such a waste of time lol

  • You are so clueless and excessively confident I don’t know why I keep on replying to you.

    Can you distinguish in your mind media whose revenue depend on your clicks, through ads and engagement and media that don’t depend on your clicks because they are funded by readers subscriptions? Can you, or is it too hard?

    Any rich person/oligarch owned media is run with profit incentive, it needs to increase its revenue, because otherwise it’s an unprofitable investment. It’s in their direct interest to make you click on their articles.

    Non profit, people-funded media on the other hand depend on their subscribers confidence that they will deliver valuable and accurate journalism. That’s why people would subscribe. And that’s why they aren’t touched by your stupid repetitive arguments, they are not businesses, they don’t run on profit, they are detached from it. Not every single one is good, but they are the only ones that have the prerequisites to be good

    As for the last part I don’t even know what to say honestly. You don’t even use the word sensationalism correct. Does sensationalism mean having a positive opinion for any reason about any media? Where are those assumptions coming from?

    You’re obviously not worth discussing with. You are spewing words without any cohesion. You didn’t even answer any of my statements, you started speaking as if I didn’t answer you, saying the same thing with your previous comment and explaining to me something I’ve already addressed.

  • If I pay the right media, yes. The incentive of these media is justice, the right of the people to know the truth and how they are being robbed by the upper class, their passion for journalism and the trust they build with their community.

    They don’t sensationalise stuff because their income doesn’t depend on clicks in the Google feed but rather on the people who fund them. They don’t depend on clicks, because they don’t depend on ads to make profit. They don’t want to make excess profit, they want to cover their running costs and salaries which is achieved by monthly subscriptions. Readers who are willing to pay for a newspaper, are not persuaded to do so by thumbnails and clicks, but rather by the value of the content. The sensationalism and clickbaits and ads are mainstream, rich-people-owned media job in fact, the exact opposite of what you claimed. This is because these media seek profit and the only way to get it is by making you watch ads and click on articles. Let alone the fact that they have contradicting interests with the people, so their covering of the news will be skewed accordingly.

    Why do you think I’m imagining this or that I’m thinking about something unrealistic lol? I have years of experience with grassroots non-profit media, I’m following lots of them and I get my news from them. I am talking from experience, not imagination.

  • “exactly what I want” is so funny to me, when those 2-3 parties are ideologically entirely opposite to me. In every core political topic they are working against what I stand for. So speak for yourself, we are not the same.

    In the second paragraph we have the same old stupid false dilemma I’m tired of hearing. I’m a fascist for wanting an actual democracy more than the oligarchy we have now, that protects, serves the interests and perpetuates the existence of these monopolies right?

    Also, I’m sure my critique about the revolving door, the oligarchs controlling and funding the politicians and promoting them in their media are the “lines made by anti-democratic institutions”. I’m sure they say those things and I’m sure the mega corporations are not thriving and better than ever with the system we have now lol.

    Not only didn’t you answer my critique but you didn’t even acknowledge it. Did it bother you so much that I critiqued the status quo? This is one of the most bad faith answers I’ve ever gotten, good job👍

  • What is the point of this question? My critique of the current state of “democracy” is about how undemocratic it is and why this is not a good thing and that it should be more democratic. I’m not advocating for even less democracy, I’m advocating for more. It’s not either this oligarchy we are living in, or corporatism

  • There should be a post about all the non-profit, grassroots, funded exclusively by the people journalist sites and media that people know of.

    We need to share and learn about all the media we should be supporting and getting our news from. It’s one of the foundations for an actual democracy and a better society.

  • sweetpotato@lemmy.mltoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldTired still
    8 days ago

    Considering what you’ve tried this might seem obvious but since I didn’t see these explicitly mentioned:

    Have you tried being really consistent with your sleep schedule? Especially the time you wake up? (Probably the most important thing one can do for sleep quality)

    Have you checked wether the temperature you sleep in is ideal(cooler than normal)?

    Have you eliminated lights and noise from your bedroom? It needs to be completely dark and insulated from noise.

    Have you checked your sleep position and mattress? There are certain professional suggestions I’ve read about, like you should sleep on your side ideally with your dominant hand on top(fetal position) and the mattress should not be too hard or too soft and you sink into it too much and you should be replacing it from time to time(5-10 years).

    Have you optimized your pre and post sleep routines? Like staying away from screens and blue lights, winding down(for pre sleep), not changing up the routines as much as possible.

    Are you exercising enough and enough time before sleep?

  • The mathematics mentioned in the first source have nothing to do with engineering though.

    Ratios, a little trigonometry and geometry, all of which are essentially under the geometry category and arithmetic are not what concerns the engineering field. They are architectural tools if you will. Of course they utilized geometry, that’s not something innovative. Maths in general does not mean anything here, maths can be about number theory(completely unrelated to any practical application).

    What differentiates them and engineers now is essentially mechanics. Forces, torques, stresses, materials, masses, moments of inertias etc. They never applied quantitative engineering principles, their structures were only sound from experience and intuition, the geometry mentioned was for architectural purposes.

  • sweetpotato@lemmy.mltoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldTeach the children.
    19 days ago

    Yeah you are just the average piracy bad person got it. You just happen to use pirated content that’s what confused me and I unfortunately engaged. And yet you somehow still didn’t answer what exactly xmanager offers that Spotify premium doesn’t. Make it make sense, there are no extra features, only pirated premium features that are not the main function :)

    It’s great seeing people defend the profits of oligarchs and monopolies and their ability to define what the standard experience is and what zero marginal cost feature can or cannot be paywalled. Which is definitely not entirely subjective, you are right to be so confident on that, you can get to tell us what the necessary functions of any app is.

  • sweetpotato@lemmy.mltoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldTeach the children.
    20 days ago

    This whole sequence does not make any sense. They are entitled for complaining about the standard experience, yet piracy is easy? What does that suppose to mean? If you think the standard experience is adequate then why resort to piracy? What is the entitlement referring to? According to you they can complain about the pricing and a lot of other features being paywalled, but the entitlement comes from the particular two examples they gave? Because you don’t think they are important, as if the important features to you are universal? I don’t get what the point of this is