• 5 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: January 21st, 2021


  • Cats should not be allowed outside any more than any other pet. If you’re up to taking it outside in a harness, then that is great. Not sure that’s what you meant, but the idea that cats are independent enough to be allowed outside unsupervised is madness. They are an invasive species almost everywhere in the world, and likely to eventuay get themselves killed in a variety of ways.

    They live in neighbourhood in forest. The house has fenced area, but while for the dog the only way go outside the fence are walks, the cat has no issues. What the cat si doing for couple hours while being outside? Nobody really knows… She brings hunted mice from the forest from time to time. I heard couple times some mewoing like it was cats argument, but this is pretty much it. Does she have fights with other cats somewhere else? Nobody knows. Sometimes she has some scratches after longer “expeditions”.

    The cat ABSOLUTELY MUST have scratching surfaces. They use scratching surfaces to peel off the outer layers of their claws as they grow, without this they will find other surfaces. If entirely prevented from doing so, the nails will get longer until they grow into their own paws.

    I have told them that she needs a cat tree. I even bought one for xmas, quite expensive. I got some catmint for encouragement. I tried it make the cat like it for couple days. When I was leaving I told them that they could try to the let cat accustom to this new place.

    However, after some time they told me that the cat didnt quite like it, so it ended up as a flower stand. I wonder if they even tried.

    A cat can starve itself quite a bit instead of eat something it doesn’t want to eat. Sitting out some meals is fine, but if it continues to the point of the cat losing weight, finding something it will eat soon is important.

    She eats mice even though she gets food.

    Hence I make sure he drinks as much as I can, and I will sometimes drench the dry food, but that meal can’t then be left out for more than an hour or so.

    Wet food is left out for some hours and then I hear these orders “You have to eat what is there first”. I use a fork to mash it up and then she will eat eventually, but that’s me.

    My concern would the combinations of refusing wet food AND water. Like what the fuck? Not having a water bowl for the cat is not optional. Cats are extremely sensitive to dehydration, especially if eating dry food. The cat may be less inclined to drink from a shared bowl, or a bowl that has been sitting a couple hours, or if the water is the wrong temperature, or whatever. Encouraging cats to stay hydrated is very important, so any factor that might discourage drinking should be done away with.

    She has a bowl wet and dry food. I thought about water bowl or cat fountain, but then they will think its “unecessary accessory”.

    They treat cat like a dog, that the cat will eat everything from anywhere.

    Dogs don’t respond to punishment as well as reward, cats even less so. Cats especially do not understand temporally separated events. If two things don’t happen at the same time, cats see absolutely no relationship between them. Not eating food one time and not getting it next time will never get connected as cause and effect in the mind of a cat. The cat isn’t going to understand that it’s dehydrated, experience some kind of “shame”, and then eat the wet food next time. It will simply be miserable and not know why. Making sure the cat eats a balanced diet and stays hydrated is the owners job. As desert animals they have a low thirst-drive, hence why wet food is preferred to keep them from dehydrating. Withholding that because the cat didn’t eat it one time is cruel as hell. ESPECIALLY WITHOUT A WATERBOWL FOR THE POOR THING. If she insists on “punishing” the cat, suggest that she feed it a bit of dry food soaked in water instead of the probably expensive wet food. Cats absolutely must regularly get some water. That part is critical, otherwise you are putting it on a fast track to kidney failure.

    My dad doesnt care at all. My stepmom treats cat like a dog and here I am, seeing this, questioning it in calm manner, she feels offended. She won’t listen to me, because I don’t have a cat or any other animal. I can only rely on some articles from web and learn from it or here now from lemmy. They don’t even bother to learn or read about these subjects. They don’t understand that they might have some obligations regarding owning the cat. They feel like its the same like owning the dog. They don’t bother, because they have own activities and don’t feel having time to learn. The cat is dog’s companion. Just like that.