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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023

  • Indeed, not classically, but there are HSTS preload lists you can put your domain into which will be downloaded by supported browsers.
    And via HSTS you can include all your subdomains, which would then force proper TLS connections for those you havent visited before too.

    With the new TLS1.3 version we are getting the HTTPS / “SVCB” Record which not only allows ECH but also indicates to the client similar protection policies like HSTS. (RFC 9460)
    ECH will then make such attacks impossible on TLS-level, assuming DNSSEC is used and client can make an integrity-checked lookup e.g. via DoH/DoT or validating DnsSec themselves.
    The strength of this depends on the security-chain you want to follow of course. You dont need DNSSEC, but then the only integrity-check is between DNS-Service and Client if they use DoH/DoT (which is usually enough to defeat local attackers)

  • But the horse still has a broken leg (End-Storage) and noone really knows how to fix that at the moment. Maybe give the horse some drugs to make the leg stronger (Transmutate the materials from long to moderately-long half-lifes), but we still need to support it in the end.

    The move to coal was absolutely stupid, the CDU (which is currently gaining some traction… again), dialed back on renewables which should have replaced some of the capacities lost to nucelar… and then decided a new coal plant was a great idea too.
    Probably some corruption… sorry “Lobbying”-work behind that… its not like the Experts (which were paid pretty well) told them that was a bad idea…

    Maybe some more modern nucelar plants might work… but its unprofitable (probably always was, considering the hidden costs on the tax payers already), so needs to be heavily state-funded, same with storage (plus getting all the stuff out of the butchered storage Asse, putting it somewhere else)
    I am open to it, but dont see it happening. And storage… no hopeful thoughts about that either, i dont think the current politic structures are well suited to oversee something like that from what we have seen from other storage-locations that are or were in use.

    I’d also love some more plans for big energy storage aswell as new subsidies for the energy grid and renewables. The famous german bureaucracy is obviously also not helping any of this.

  • Its nice to meet the team, start nornal conversations not necessarily bound by work.
    Getting to know the people in a way video calls rarely can fscilitate.
    BUT how often depends on the team, the distances, the company, and most importantly how often this happens.

    I really like my WFH, but its not a full WFH job, so we meet for important events like sprint planning every few weeks.
    But thats only 1-2 hours away and most of the commute is long distance train, so i can work that time and still get paid.
    Its nice seeing the team and other people in the company i would have never seen, it could be a bit less for me, maybe once a month would be better…

    I also think many people only have their work colleagues as contact and little real friends to meet with outside of work… after all one is paid and theother time you have to maintain your life constantly.