Please state in which country your phrase tends to be used, what the phrase is, and what it should be.
In America, recently came across “back-petal”, instead of back-pedal. Also, still hearing “for all intensive purposes” instead of “for all intents and purposes”.
Niche is pronounced neesh and not nitch
Neesh is actually the much newer pronunciation apparently, TIL.
What do you base that on?
According to the pronunciations on Wiktionary, nitch is Californian
It’s confusing because the way it’s spelled makes it look French, so if you read it in a book and didn’t hear other people say it, you might think it was “Neech” if you know French also.
Just like “voila” you might think is said the French way, like it’s spelled, but a lot of English speakers say “walla”.
I subscribe to the view that people mispronouncing things have read more stuff rather than heard things, so of course I’m not looking down on them for that. I didn’t realize until recently that quinoa wasn’t kwin-OH-ah for awhile, or even in my youthful fondness for Greek myths that the goddess wasn’t called ah-fro-DAIT.
Another big one is “conscience”. How could that be read as anything but “con science?”
English pronunciation is completely all over the place, so much so that you frequently cannot predict how a word is supposed to be pronounced. I usually don’t pay too much attention to pronunciation errors because of that.
Ugh, I can’t agree with this one. I think a lot of English speakers say “walla” because they think it’s spelled “walla”.
I’ve heard this one like 3 times in the last month on youtube and it bothers me a lot
I heard Nice things about France
I heard things about niche, France.
You should google the word “dialect” and see where it takes you.
To search results about the word dialect
You were supposed to keep clicking.
Instructions unclear. Am now enrolled in a course on pronunciation
It’s a start. Hopefully it’s not for Vietnamese.
Depends on the context IMO
If I had to take a guess I would venture that this person says “It’s not my nitch.” and “wow that product is very neesh.”
I swear I’ve met someone like this now that I think about it
You got it, dialects are a widely varying thing!
I suppose, if the context is if you prefer to be correct or not?
Lol “being correct” in a language. Take a course in linguistics.