But aside from donating to NGOs dedicated to cleaning up ocean litter, the average person has very little way to reduce the number of plastic nets in the water. It requires lifting fishermen out of poverty, teaching them more sustainable fishing practices, and cracking down on littering, all things that require international cooperation.
The average person cannot make the connection between the food they eat and the animal it was. People act so appalled by the torturous conditions in animal farms, and then stop at McDonald’s on their lunch break to pick up some chicken nuggets, totally unaware of the irony
But aside from donating to NGOs dedicated to cleaning up ocean litter, the average person has very little way to reduce the number of plastic nets in the water. It requires lifting fishermen out of poverty, teaching them more sustainable fishing practices, and cracking down on littering, all things that require international cooperation.
Besides the obvious and 100% viable option of just not eating fish.
The average person cannot make the connection between the food they eat and the animal it was. People act so appalled by the torturous conditions in animal farms, and then stop at McDonald’s on their lunch break to pick up some chicken nuggets, totally unaware of the irony
Now I feel better about my weird dietary preferences.
I’m doing my part!
I also do not enjoy the taste of fish. High five haha
Yeah eating fish is not sustainable, especially considering how global fish population is dropping rapidly. Sadly, my dad loves fish…
have you tried that?
It seems to be working well after about 6 years.
seems like this comic indicates it’s not doing enough
Seems the problem is beyond finding a ‘cure-all’. Multiple strategies will be necessary.
I’d prefer an effective strategy
…which somehow doesn’t include producing less garbage?
less garbage isn’t created regardless of whether you or I buy fish
Or organise a boycott on eating fish.
You could go the rest of your life without eating another fish and you would be fine.