I don’t know how this game knows the exact debuff to ruin my run but I does it every single time no matter how good I think I am doing.
Tap for spoiler
I have actually beat this game 3-4 times.
I think all experienced balatro players have that learning moment of regret/I’m an idiot when they have the reroll boss for 10$ voucher and get countered anyways by the final ante 8 boss. Simply because they were rushing and didn’t read the boss effect that perfectly counters them. No worse feeling knowing you lost because you didnt take two seconds to read some words and hit the reroll button.
After that you learn to check the boss blind descriptions more ahead of time and the reroll voucher goes from mid that you don’t think of using to game saving
Sell your paredolia-challenge (impossible)
They could have sold the joker and won the blind. But at what cost?
Costs at most +25 mult per hand, I guess. Might not be able to make it in the rest of the run, but then again, I would probably be looking to slot some higher value jokers in ante 6
Oh and the income from faceless I suppose
oh shoot, the second image broke. damn. I made it without selling anything
Yea I saw that - I was referring to the other commenter making a cheeky joke about your not selling Pareidolia