People are used to seeing stark warnings on tobacco products alerting them about the potentially deadly risks to health. Now a study suggests similar labelling on food could help them make wiser choices about not just their health, but the health of the planet.

The research, by academics at Durham University, found that warning labels including a graphic image – similar to those warning of impotence, heart disease or lung cancer on cigarette packets – could reduce selections of meals containing meat by 7-10%.

It is a change that could have a material impact on the future of the planet. According to a recent YouGov poll, 72% of the UK population classify themselves as meat-eaters. But the Climate Change Committee (CCC), which advises the government on its net zero goals, has said the UK needs to slash its meat consumption by 20% by 2030, and 50% by 2050, in order to meet them.

    1 year ago

    I think direct action is much more effective than consumer activism. actually I don’t believe consumer activism is effective at all. do you own a pair of bolt cutters?

      1 year ago

      I think I agree with direct action being more effective. The question is at what cost? In modern society, at least in the US, theft and other direct actions are crimes seemingly punishable by death on sight. The sheer number of news articles involving thieves being shot, especially if they’re running, deeply saddens me. To me, non-violent crimes warrant non-violent solutions. But then to me it’s arguable whether stealing groceries should even be a crime. Desperation will drive people to a life of crime 9 times out of 10 and who can blame them if there are no other resources available? I honestly don’t know what the solution to any of this is if there even is a perfect or near perfect solution. I’m all for not letting perfection get in the way of progress (in theory at least. In practice I’m personally a bit of a neurotic perfectionist and it prevents me from getting anything done), but I hate loss of life. And unfortunately even peaceful protest seems to turn violent when a few people do something to “justify” the use of weapons banned in warfare (tear gas) and worse, deadly force. I recognize that this is likely the cost of progress, but it doesn’t mean I have to like it.

      I do still have some vague hope in democracy, and wish more good-hearted people could be elected. But I also recognize that those that most deserve positions of power are the least likely to seek positions of power. Let alone what their chances would be to actually be granted said positions by those already in power. To be honest I feel the cards are heavily stacked against the people, and have been for some time. And all of the ways I can envision getting out of the situation, quite frankly, suck ass for one reason or another. But ultimately the answer will likely have to suck, will probably involve violence (which I hate), and will take some time. But it may be better in the long run I guess, but I don’t particularly want to be the one to pull the metaphorical trigger. And I definitely don’t want to be the one to pull the not-so-metaphorical trigger…

      1 year ago

      Direct action to make WHAT happen? Any sane direct action concerning animal rights or climate change would NECESSARILY reduce the amount of meat available and/or increase the price. In the end, there is no alternative to eating far less meat. And you’re delusional if you believe the very privileged western consumer base would accept those consequences.

      That is exactly why consumers must realize their consumption habits are unsustainable, and unethical.

        1 year ago

        you’re delusional if you believe the very privileged western consumer base would accept those consequences.

        That is exactly why consumers must realize their consumption habits are unsustainable, and unethical.

        these two statements are in conflict, whereas i’ve been perfectly consistent.

        1 year ago

        Any sane direct action concerning animal rights or climate change would NECESSARILY reduce the amount of meat available and/or increase the price.
