Version 0.19.X Deployment

Hello world!

I’m sure many of you fine folks have been wondering why we have not upgraded to version 0.19.X yet.

The whole team here has been getting asked this question quite a bit, from both members of the community and other instance admins. We want everyone to know, YES, we will upgrade to version 0.19.

We do not have a hard date set for when we will be upgrading as of yet, as we have about 7 associated task items that go along with this upgrade for things we need to double-check and confirm there will be no breakage.

Another big reason why we have not upgraded is due to reports from other instance admins that the front-end GUI can have performance issues. While a large portion of folks access our site using apps on their phones, we would rather not degrade the user experience for the rest of everyone else.

Worst case in terms of UI slowness, we would ask everyone to use either Alexandrite () or Photon () to mitigate the potential performance issues.

One final point to mention to address the delay is that we usually wait 1-2 weeks after a new release before applying it to production. This was complicated by the fact that there were multiple releases right after each other, with each new release having issues we hoped would be patched in the NEXT version. A new version would come up, and we would have to evaluate the stability and performance of it, which would take about 2 weeks, and then ANOTHER version would come out, which we would need to test. This was further complicated by the fact this was during the holiday season.

Version Release Date
0.19.0 2023-12-15
0.19.1 2023-12-20
0.19.2 2024-01-10
0.19.3 2024-01-24

For us, stability is paramount, as we care very much about keeping everyone happy here.

While we can appreciate the rapid release of patches on 0.19, I hope everyone can now understand the delay. If all goes well, we will set a release day in the next week or two, most likely on a Saturday around 1800 UTC.


    235 months ago

    I just love how professional the Lemmy instances have become. They went from having stability issues to being extremely stable. I love our Lemmy community.

    Keep up the good work!

      75 months ago

      I just love how professional the Lemmy instances have become.

      Too bad upstream Lemmy development didn’t adapt. The early 0.19 releases left several big instances hanging with severe bugs leaving them practically unusable.

    135 months ago

    Lebowski.Social has also held back with the 0.19 upgrade. We are monitoring for now and will make our upgrade after that most likely.

  • m3t00🌎
    125 months ago

    no rush. most don’t notice minor changes. thanks

  • Krafting
    115 months ago

    Thanks for all this info, I knew running the largest Lemmy instance would be challenging in term of version upgrade, and I’m happy you keep us posted on all your plans! Keep up the good work!

    105 months ago

    If all goes well, we will set a release day in the next week or two, most likely on a Saturday around 1800 UTC.

    Any chance we get can get a status update?

      54 months ago

      We’re going on four weeks from the initial statement. The lack of status updates is what bothers me the most. I understand delays, but please let us know. It just looks like it’s been forgotten about.

        64 months ago, we understand this is a volunteer effort, but as the community lead, would you be able to shed some light into the status of the upgrade? I don’t think we are asking or pressuring for the upgrade to happen ASAP, just some transparency would be nice. We’re two weeks past the proposed update, and almost a month beyond the last communication on the topic. Appreciate what you all do to provide the community for us, we ask because we care.

    5 months ago

    Speaking as someone who is on an instance ( that ran into a bunch of breakage from the 0.19.X releases, and which still isn’t fully resolved, and where the instance admin said that he wished that he could downgrade to 0.18.X but couldn’t due to schema changes, I strongly endorse a conservative approach. The releases have not really met the bar that one might want for stability.

    That’s especially true for, since it hosts a large chunk of the Fediverse communities, and if it has serious problems, there are gonna be spillover effects even on users elsewhere. I’d wait until less-critical instances have been the guinea pig for a bit on releases.

      15 months ago

      Well said. I will happily forgo some new features for a while if it means that the overall experience is more consistent.

      05 months ago

      Seriously. Less is more.

      There’s no need to keep up with the meme of releasing updates as quickly as possible.

    35 months ago

    I’ve talked a lot of shit about the whole fediverse before, but I appreciate your stance towards stability. It’s what users crave! Thank you!

  • snowe
    25 months ago

    Just so you know, there are some major security issues on 0.18. That’s why immediately updated. The later bugs on 0.19 we were easily able to work around, while the security issues are major and should be resolved as soon as you can, as it affects every user.

      25 months ago

      We already patched it. No worries, we got already a tip for weeks. Sad that it got through the tests of the lemmy devs. Such issues should never go live.

    15 months ago

    We do not have a hard date set for when we will be upgrading as of yet, as we have about 7 associated task items that go along with this upgrade for things we need to double-check and confirm there will be no breakage.

    Are there tickets open for these tasks so we can see what you’re waiting for? Genuinely wondering

    15 months ago

    Good luck with the update! One great thing about 0.19 is that it allows users to check federation status between instances, will be awesome to get that for as well.

      15 months ago

      And one thing bad is that logged in users are logged out and can’t log back in, getting errors when loggin in or worse, the site showing them a server error and they think the site is down! All fixed by clearing cookies. Or in apps, logging out then back in.

      It looks like 0.19.3 may have a fix for this, which is great. IMO it’s good that the largest lemmy instance hasn’t updated to 0.19 yet, because a bunch of users may have disappeared thinking the site was dead. And you’d never know, because 0.19 counts active users in a different way.

      Hopefully this is the one, though!