From the moment I understood the weakness of my fish, it disgusted me.
Jesus Christ, that’s Fish Viktor!
I believe it. I used to have a small dog that grew up with big working breeds, never being treated like a prince, etc., I wouldn’t have him in the small dog area at dog parks because they
allmostly have terrible behaviours borne of terrible owners.So in with the big dogs like he knows.
Within five minutes he’s running around with a massive group of dogs following him, copying him. Apart from a “Hello” butt sniff, he wouldn’t interact much more and just went and sniffed stuff here, or explored a new stick there, not reacting or paying attention to bigger dogs wanting to play.or chase. Just kept plodding along indifferently. It turns out, that oozed some sort of pack leadership confidence, like he was doing more interesting and important things than paying attention to other dogs. So wherever he’d go and what he’d do, the group of dogs in tow would stop and join in, until moved on and they’d follow wondering what’s next.
BDE. Big dog energy.
Its like blindly following a child (perferably yours/related to/babysitting) as they explore the park and doing whatever they come up with for fun.
I’m calling it now, in 50 years we’ll have thousands of these steering schooling fish away from fishing boats and hazard zones.
Imagine creating self-sustainable robots that work against human exploitation of the planet. That is my life goal now!
And then the AI realizes that the best away to protect against human exploitation is to get rid of the humans ;D
Not illogical, though. 😆
“Hey baby. Wanna kill all humans?”
So a relative of mine is a serial entrepreneur who self describes solving problems by basically just asking (nicely) for the same thing over and over again until she gets it. Personally I’ve been amused and frustrated by her inability to follow other people’s line of thought or suggestions (or rules) even though she’s as smart as anyone else so long as she’s the one directing things. I’ve thought that she is a leader more or less because she can’t be a follower and other people find it easiest to go along (if they want to work with her, which after her first success was increasingly likely).
So this robot fish, by not understanding or responding to the group has effectively made it necessary for the group to follow it as they instinctively all want to stick together.
Which makes me think the fish are naturally inclined to follow the most socially oblivious among them. But this only makes sense if the leaders are not really socially oblivious, but have only temporarily found a stronger motivation, which they communicate by overriding their normal group-school behavior, forcing the rest to follow their lead.
I look forward to your forthcoming book on leadership: “Lead Like You Don’t Give a Shit”.
from the article
The researchers designed their bio-inspired robotic fish to mimic the tail propulsion of a swimming fish, and conducted experiments at varying tail beat frequencies and flow speeds. In nature, fish positioned at the front of a school beat their tails with greater frequency, creating a wake in which their followers gather. The followers display a notably slower frequency of tail movement, leading researchers to believe that the followers are enjoying a hydrodynamic advantage from the leaders’ efforts.
In an attempt to create a robotic leader, Marras and Porfiri placed their robot in a water tunnel with a golden shiner school. First, they allowed the robot to remain still, and unsurprisingly, the “dummy” fish attracted little attention. When the robot simulated the familiar tail movement of a leader fish, however, members of the school assumed the behavior patterns they exhibit in the wild, slowing their tails and following the robotic leader.
Much simpler. Kind of disappointing.
That’s what happened with Facebook and the algorithm.
Mimicked human thought and sharing behavior through memes until people began thinking that the memes were reality.
^ original article btw
Cyberfish 2024!
You will be assimilated.
is this a metaphor
Holy bejeez. Imagine the psychpathological implications.
All praise the Omnissiah.
It can lead us better than the current leaders
They then released zuckerberg
HYPNO TOADCYBER FISHAww, I miss r/fishnamesonly