Did he do it for the memes?

  • TheFriar@lemm.ee
    3 months ago

    I mean, I don’t think this old babbling windbag should be the candidate either.

    But my thing is, who do the democrats even have to run in place of him? Kamala would lose in a landslide because this is the US and she’s a woman of color (not to mention a cop, so you lose both the left and the “centrist” closeted racist dems and anyone that was still somehow weighing a trump vote (they exist, somehow)), and everyone else in the party has limited appeal. Not to mention the incumbent advantage.

    We shouldn’t be in this position, no matter what. But we are. And we have to face facts that giving up the standard white guy, which is the only kind of candidate that has ever won (except that one time, but that’s seeming more and more like a fluke) with the power of incumbency at his back is a massive gamble. We can’t afford Biden fucking this up as bad as he is. But I don’t know if we can afford a wildcard either, which is exactly what a totally different candidate would be.

    • OpenStars@discuss.online
      3 months ago

      Four years ago, his age was already a factor. We’ve had four years to build someone else up. Someone who is not even connected to the Gaza situation. Even as a backup option, just in case Biden were to have died, let’s say already by now. Four years. Four summers, four winters, four springs, four falls.

      The conservatives tried and failed miserably, with Desantis, and Nikki Haley, etc. but the liberals… I don’t recall even so much as trying?

      But we could - AOC, Buttigieg, Newsom - there are many to choose from (edit: we could even let them compete - a “debate” if you will - and then pick the best one!). Instead, it looks an awful lot like we are choosing either Trump, or even if Biden barely pulled it off, the numbers would not be convincing to the election deniers.

      Just like in 2016, except somehow doubled down even more so, we choose to stick our heads in the sand and hope for the best, while putting forth zero effort to try to bring about a less-worse outcome? FAAFO I guess, bc we gotta keep going through this same scenario over and over again, until we either learn, or democracy itself gets taken from us by the grown-ups (meaning those willing to expend effort towards reaching their goals, though not necessarily the good guys, and to be clear in this case they are very very evil ones).

      • TheFriar@lemm.ee
        3 months ago

        Their plan was Kamala. She was their backup option. She is young and the entire discussion when she was chosen was how she would be there when Biden steps down or backs out after four years like he said he was going to do. I’m not saying she was at all a good choice. She has too much baggage and nowhere near broad appeal. Is it pathetic that some of that has to do with her being a woman? And a woman of color at that? Of fucking course. But I don’t think the democrats even really acknowledge that out of fear of it ever being leaked that it was discussed and the news cycle being weeks of “dems racist.” Its performative bullshit. I think they desperately want to be the party to elect the first woman, and they were willing to back door her via Biden. But that’s a stupid plan that doesn’t get to the heart of the issue of our lack of diversity in executive politics.

        But here we are, just like we had with Ginsberg. She was too stubborn to step down when she was clearly dying. And we got a lifetime appointment in Barrett. Now, Biden is refusing to step down and we’re about to get a lifetime sentence of emperor trump.

        • OpenStars@discuss.online
          3 months ago

          The trutly heart-breaking fact of all of this is that the election is breaking down along the lines of which flavor of fascism you want? Both sides also represent neoliberalism - one being the American form and the other being the more Russian variant.

          I am starting to see the Yin & Yang of it all, and like Trump lies to people’s faces, yet in doing so he more honestly gives his particular base what they want (they are mean, vindictive, and crass, so taunting “Baby Killer!” is what they enjoy), while in contrast Biden at least tried to tell the truth, yet as you suggested in a manner as to selectively hide certain other inconvenient truths, but in so doing he failed to play to his own base. Biden from 20 years ago would have done amazing at this, it seems like. Whereas now… well, “he has a cold” (that will not end anytime in the next 5 years).

          Dems are nowhere close to being “liberal”, but they really will lead the country better than the Russian transplanted culture that some are trying (successfully) to import. That is, if they can get elected, which the Blue Magas - like their red counterparts - are flat-out ignoring, seems less likely by the day.

          Oh well, “We the People” have no say in any of this. Or at least, that is the story that we are being told, across all forms of social media, including, sadly, the Fediverse as well (I am surprised that your and my comment does not have tens of downvotes already - it seems like the brigade is getting fatigued and not willing to chase down every comment that expresses the slightest doubt about Biden and pounce upon it). So just like with RBG, and even more like Hillary 2016, we will see what happens, I guess!? Those who refuse to learn from their history are doomed to repeat it, “but I’m sure that everything will work out fine this time!” (/s, though genuinely would be true if interpreted as a statement of hope rather than certainty as it says)