• yourgodlucifer@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    during gamergate i started going down the alt right rabbithole (at some point i stopped when i realized this was associated with out right nazi shit and re-evaluated my beliefs)

    I was one of those “i am very smart” people as a teenager but I’m actually an idiot I was also a pick me (I am a woman). I found those video clips of feminists everyone was sharing at that time and became convinced that feminist = man hater it can be easy for people to twist fringe beliefs from a group and present that as common among that group. Due to this and me being a lazy idiot who didn’t fact check because I thought I was to smart to be mislead I went further down the rabbithole

    I also blame poor us education on civil rights issues my state (new mexico) is on the bottom of the list for education i think it was around 49th at the time I was in school they presented civil rights issues as if they were solved so i thought “these sjws don’t want equality they want women/minority superiority” I thought they wanted to oppress the previously oppressive groups as revenge not realizing that civil rights issues have not been solved that we haven’t attained equality even though the law was supposedly equal.

    I believed in equality but it got twisted by fascist lies into opposing actual progress and equality.

    I can see how people went further down the rabbit hole one of the things these videos talked about was how the crime rate was higher for black people and that’s why there is more police brutality against black people. I can see how someone could take this information out of context and start thinking that black people were more crime prone inherently and that’s where some of these people took it.

    ignorance is one of the biggest causes of prejudice.

    • someguy3@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      I thought they wanted to oppress the previously oppressive groups as revenge

      Essentially, certain people want to enslave and dominate others. That’s how their brain works. So they project that’s what others want to do to them. They can’t mentally process that people want actual freedom and equality for everyone. They push this message out into the airwaves

      • shalafi@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        Yes, that’s how their brains work! Not so much a moral failing, they’re wired different. Hard to get your own wiring around that.

        I often see this in the idea of life being a zero-sum game. If someone gets a thing, that thing was taken from someone else. If blacks and gays get rights, my rights were taken!

        See all the complaints that gay marriage diminished hetero marriage. Illogical and incomprehensible as it seems, keep in mind the zero-sum thinking and it makes far more sense.

      • yourgodlucifer@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        In my case I thought that we already had equality so anybody asking for more or complaining wanted special privileges and therefore they were trying to ruin that because they wanted to be the oppressor. In my twisted mindset I thought I was on the side of equality.

        though I do definitely think there are some people who follow the mindset in your comment.

        • someguy3@lemmy.world
          2 months ago

          I think that’s an understandable thought because they try to whitewash history. Once you whitewash history, it’s easy to convince people that a) it’s their own fault / pull yourself up by your bootstraps, or b) they want special privileges or treatment.

          Reminds me of this https://youtu.be/Ot_MO0-oZdc

      • shalafi@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        “I’m one of the good ones! I’m on your team!” Kinda like how many of us view blacks and gays who support conservative politicians.