Human is endoskeleton optimized crab. Arthropod crab is exoskeleton optimized crab.
Speak for your self.
anyone with extensive use of kitchen tongs has a primordial understanding of our clicky-clack fates
It’s true. It’s so satisfying to click those tongs, how can we NOT turn into crab?
reincarnation + carcinisation = clickyclackclack
reincarcinisation (clickity clack, crusty comrade)
You say we’re not crabs, but what do you call car culture and the main battle tank.
We’re Hermit crabs!
We’re cosplaying as crabs. We are no crabs.
For reference, just in case you’re actually a crab and have been living under a rock:
Meanwhile the crabs on earth: “yo wtf??”
Hey when they can build radio antennas then they can talk to the aliens. Until then they can go play at the beach.
Throw radios in the ocean?
There’s no shortage of batteries to power them.
Well yeah you have all those electric boats sinking
Which crabs do we choose to represent us?
Snow crabs? King crabs? The voice actor for Mr Krabs?
Who is “us”? You got a crab in your pocket?
We are us
The Kurgan would be a solid choice.
Suddenly another voice breaks through the silence:
Nice try, you two, but us crabs ain’t falling for your lobstroganda
edit: spelling of lobstroganda
Wouldn’t it be lobstraganda?
Or lasagna, I dunno. Just hurry up and become a crab already!?
I had lobstraganda at first but amended to lobstroganda due to the quoted sources being lobstrosities.
Well, I wasn’t 100% sure of how King had spelled it so I searched duck duck go for “ded-a-chek” and the Dark Tower Wiki entry for Lobstrosities topped the list. Sound out of deference to the source material: lobstroganda.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
Oh “lobstrosities” for sure (become a crab)
But I’m firm on the “lobstraganda” (I don’t care just hurry up and become a crab already! - it just makes too much sense, for us
crabsuh… gotta go, bye!life as a crab is awesome - are you really really sure that you don’t want to join us today already?
Edit: it took far too much effort to make every single word small like that, so I totally lost track of what I was doing. So replace “crab” with… whatever you want:-).
Are you sure it wasn’t “Are you horses yet”?
I just read the synopsis. Wtf did in just read?
It’s an excellent movie, I would recommend watching it, even if the synopsis is insane.
It is an excellent movie, especially if you go into watching it knowing it’s a satire. I went in blind and was totally blindsided
Same, still loved it. The big reveal completely derailed my brain for a solid minute before I started cackling like a madman.
So I saw your comment, went to read the synopsis, and was nodding along like “Yeah, this good, what seemed weird?”…and then hit the line “Looking for the bathroom, Cash discovers a shackled half-horse, half-human hybrid who begs him for help.”
Of course now I have to watch it
A synopsis for a great fucking movie.
I spent 20 years in call centers. I felt so much of this movie.
Taste like crab
Talk like people
Crabs do evolve fairly often.
Oh god oh fuck someone out in the black taught them to read
Learning an alien language is what computers and experts are for. It’s not easy, but it should be doable. See also
Let’s remake StarTrek 4, The Voyage Home…but with crabs!
That should be the title as well
Alternate plot line for the movie Contact