This was the pipe dream for many many years now. Not the first time MS is talking about it either.
It’s a thing in the Linux world and it’s just too costly to support and therefore most user facing distros outright don’t support it.
This was the pipe dream for many many years now. Not the first time MS is talking about it either.
It’s a thing in the Linux world and it’s just too costly to support and therefore most user facing distros outright don’t support it.
The last paragraph has a Mechanicus ring to it lmao
Go play Half Life Alyx, a “real” game on Source 2.
Tip, just make a seperate EFI partition for Linux. That way, garbage Windows installer won’t be able to fuck up your install. Altough this assumes you’re running a non-shit EFI mobo that looks for things to boot in every partition.
Best solution: Stop using Chrome.
It’s not the fastest nor the most feature rich anymore, not even the simplest.
Still, the seamlessness should be there, I don’t care how they mask it, but it should be there somewhat, again, this is 2023. It doesn’t even do simple fade to blacks, but full blown loading screens everywhere.
Also, travelling with the ship mechanic is incredibly, frustratingly cumbersome. For example, let’s say you wanted to jump to Sol for the first time, in Starfield, you’d do:
Select and mark your destination through map screen.
Somehow exit the map screen (either mash B or hold B and tap B again to exit the menu, cumbersome)
Highlight your weapons with the D-Pad and mash down button.
Highlight GRAV and mash the up button.
Enjoy game stripping controls away from you.
Go back into map screen to mark surface spot you want to go to.
Hold X.
Voilà, you’re there, insantly.
Why have an entire space mechanic, if you’re just gonna make it frustrating to interact with? Game is okay with teleporting you around at times, but not others as well. It literally disrespects your time, but not in a good way. Speaking of a game that disrespects your time well, it’s Elite, which the flow of events would be:
Open Galaxy Map with Y+Left D-Pad and select a destination.
Exit with tapping B, once.
Align your ship with the destination and throttle up.
Tap Y to initiate jump.
Enjoy being able to look around or (albeit barely) interact with your screens.
Open System Map with Y+Right D-Pad and select your destination.
Align the ship with destination.
Open Navigation Panel via X+Left D-Pad, select your target and enable Supercruise Assist.
Enjoy ship taking you there, feel free to interact with panels, photo mode, chat, etc.
Sure, it’s a lot more complicated as it is a sim, but see that you don’t really do redundant actions and you’re in control most of the time. Also, no loading screens as the jumping effect will mask the system change, and the “dropping from Supercruise” screen will mask the second loading screen. Funnily enough, you’ll wait more but feel like it took less.
I don’t want Starfield to be be Elite or Star Citizen, but it doesn’t even have the rudimentary systems in place. For example, I thought you were able to fly anywhere with your ship in the atmosphere and outside it. Just not seamlessly transition between those. That’d be “possible” to have as the game already does this technically. It just isn’t there for whatever reason.
Also this basically breaks exploration as the wast majority of travelling you’ll do is via the menus and loading screens due to the exact same issues. I remind you this game was marketed as an exploration game with 1000 and whatnot.
This is also the case for game play as well. There are just way too many loading screens. Especially weird when they already have airlocks which would mask vast majority of those perfectly.
Yup Play attestation is dead, even the new and shiny “secure” one is bypassed. It’s now just a hinderence.
Unfortunately not a feasible solution. If the vast majority of websites support this, any sort of OSS solution is dead to the average user.
I meant companies that make apps for desktop, like Adobe.
Even if it was all gamers, that’d push a lot of companies to care about Linux a whole lot more. Venn diagram of people who spend a lot of money in tech stuff and people who play games is almost a circle nowadays.
I doubt they care about such things.
Also, the frame drops. Oh the frame drops. Searching and app and scrolling down always drops frames since Google switched away from Android Market. I can’t imagine how does it still happen to this day lmao.
As far as I know, it was in a worse state. What Elon did since he took over is basically reducing the running costs heavily among other things.
People tend to forget Twitter never made money so far.
I wonder why.
Absolutely! Using open source software is much cheaper, as well. Hiring developers to work on open source software/OSs would cost less than buying software annually. Governments pay stupid amounts of money for easily replaceable software.
Ah yes gender politics, only thing missing from Star Trek themed discussion.