Soon the cadburies will be cheaper than actual eggs
As a native speaker I use jedzie in the context of boats embarassingly often. It doesn’t really make a difference in casual settings since you get the message across anyway, but of course you wouldn’t say that in any formal situation.
It honestly makes me wonder why my symptoms went away, but yours persist…
I’ve talked to a few people (like 3 or 4 i think) with the syndrome in the past, and it behaved differently for each person I spoke to, whether it’s the symptoms, the cause, or, as in our case, whether it goes away or not.
It’s a pretty unresearched syndrome, though the Wikipedia page for it has way more info than when I last checked.
EDIT: Another thing I’m curious about is that the symptoms also stopped causing panic attacks for me. I haven’t had the eyelid thing for a while, since it’s way easier for me to do that when I’m extremely tired, but the last time that happened I didn’t get an attack at all. If anything, I tried to actually focus on what I was perceiving, I tried to make something out. Again, very weird how it develops differently for every person.
Yeah, it used to trigger panic attacks in me too. That’s fascinating!
Everything feels the wrong size. Like my hands feel tiny, or my teeth feel enormous. The bed feels like it’s the size of an ocean, or the phone I’m using to distract myself feels like a matchbook in my hands
Sounds a lot like the Alice in Wonderland syndrome.
I used to have it when I was little, and my symptoms were very similar to yours, but mine kind of went away on their own. When I close my eyes and focus, though, I can still make myself feel like the dark side of my eyelids is getting impossibly far away from me, which is very weird.
Do you still get these symptoms?
Thanks! Gonna give it a watch
I’ve always wondered, which movie was this frame from?
Damn, that’s interesting! Also just realised I forgot that pulsars are a type of neutron star
Given that even 3 T is already considered a large amount of flux, would it be even possible for an object with 10 billion Tesla to even exist? And if so, what would it take to achieve that amount of flux? Does a neutron star or a pulsar* get even remotely close?
* - pulling these examples kinda out of my ass – while i’m sure neutron stars have extreme magnetic fields i’m not so sure about pulsars
Damn I’m bad at searching, then. Thanks!
Then I realized I was being circled. Which was an extremely unnerving realization. I went from thinking about aggro ranges and AI states to being thrust into a situation that I sometimes have to worry about not falling into in real life.
Makes it that much more sad seeing A-Life getting trashed in STALKER 2. Moments like these were awesome
Hell, it still is pretty frequent for me to see a couple regulars on the TF2 servers i play on
From what I remember yes, it’s a placeholder for currency
A whole 100 pieces? What a deal!
Or “wyrewolwerowany rewolwer”
My classmates and I played around with that one a lot back in primary school – I think I once managed to say “wyrewolwerowany rewolwerowiec wyrewolwerowuje wyrewolwerowany rewolwer” without skipping a beat.
I think ZH is the language code for Chinese, while CN is just the country code
In Polish we use “24 godziny na dobę” which means 24 hours per day
In fact, shooting him in the head would center-mass the kid. Not a good way to go.