Finally hearing back from jobs couch that specialise in mental health.
Became branch secretary. (Political party)
Its no secret that I am a socialist, I hope that with my posts and replies that others may follow. If you like what I have to say I would recommend checking Cowbee’s comprehensive list credit to comrade for they’re work
Finally hearing back from jobs couch that specialise in mental health.
Became branch secretary. (Political party)
Don’t do it man, think about your dignity.
Nope I’ve no kids but definitely would be.
Growing up with separate parents my step dad was very jealous when at 12 I moved from my fathers to live with my mother, and as an adult its easy to see he’s a narcosis.
On the 21st I will be speaking with my new jobs couch to get back into work, they are also a mental health group so exited to find meaningful employment healthier employment.
20th stalker 2 🩷🩷 so many delays.
On the 30th I will be off to a counter demo so naturally hang out with comrades. Political discussion.
And next month off to my brothers for Christmas where we have a menu planned and a board game night with his mates.
All the top country’s the ones we class as best tend to use GDP for that measurement. I’m saying we should measure country’s on the out come of its people and not profits.
That is the argument. What is the best metric to measure a healthy society, GDP? Or education, health, life expectancy, how few hours we work, how free we are to pursue our real goals.
Gave my brother my mullvad account so he can use a VPN and his PC and taught him how to pirate. Which browser, which sites to trust… Even walked him through a manjaro install over the phone. I often clean his PC for him when ever I’m over.
Built my ex a cute itx PC in turquoise. Dinky little thing.
I have been working on my sleep pattern, last week i plaid Stalker Anomaly which had me going bed late and waking up late. Also cutting caffeine after 4pm so super tired evenings and its a struggle to not nap. I am however enjoying the cold with my window open.
Liberals ✊🙃
I pull out a sketch book, say I will do a portrait and put my thump up for reference then hand them a high detail illustration of my own thumb. Lot of effort.
I sense a bit of bias. Politic isn’t football stop stomping so hard for your team.
it is well known that bot farms red and blue fireup in the run up to election season, and there are millions of these bots.
Foreign policy isn’t important to the workers, doing political work in my local area people will sooner talk about the dog shit sproon around theyre street or litter, the closure of public toilets or the removal of public bins as they all have a noticeable and tangible effect on day to day life. Sadly Gaza isn’t a broad issue to none gazans. I’m not advocating for this behaviour btw, just pointing out what I’ve noticed and spoken about in political circles.
The us is ground hog day, they won’t win it back instead they will spend two years bickering then two years bad mouthing and it will continue to repeat as they believe they’ve got ‘democracy’ you guys don’t your being played by the political elites and the capitalist. Also stop throwing liberal around as a broad left notion, liberalism is an insult to any leftist.
If you want change then join a socialist party that is connected to an international. Make moves in unions. Build workers power. Be willing to fight. Educate yourselves so you can educate others. Marxism isn’t some silly notion or wond waving. Its a scientific approach to a healthy and just society, Karl Marx watched the birth of global capitalism, predicted its failures: failures we are still seeing today, and sort to tackle the issue with years of research and analysis. What he made is a solid base for us to build on.
Read The Communist Manifesto by Marx and Engle’s, then State and Revolution by Lenin or even audiobook which are both on YouTube. Its important because they both outline the reasoning and the conviction needed. Then you’ll want to find a socialist/communist group that suits you, I’m a marxist, my ideas of socialism diverge with the appearance of Stalin. If your in the united states we have a trotskyist party who I’ve spoken to personally and theyre a good lot, your best bet would be to visit this is the international body I work under and many other countries also work under.
Hope you find a suitable space comrade. Feel free to contact me if you need any further assistance or just to let me know how your getting on.
If you read communist theory you’d understand that revolution isn’t easy, it takes multiple factors such as the current state of capitalism, class contusness and the global landscape. Once these things align we will witness the capitalist unable to deliver for the demands of the majority and the mass populous will soon realise how akin to slaves we are at that point the workers will fight back. I’m personally very active in my party building workers power through unions, attending demos and dispensing theory, a few months ago I traveled to Germany for a 5 day conference. It is only through these actions we can see change. It takes 15 present of the population to create real change so while you might feel content sitting around criticing our efforts you could be down here helping your comrades, the international group my party is linked to sent a dozen sp member to chilly to help in revolutionary action so rest assured that we are doing some heavy lifting.
As a bloke who’s had his pecs groped in intimate acts, I would agree.
It is however worth mentioning that the sexualisation of the pecs and boobs is a man-made construction brought upon by Christian values and one day we may even move past those values and desexualise these body parts.
This is hands down great thanks for sharing!
Lol too true. What faction would Putin pick?
No. If someone’s rich they can lobby if they can lobby they will act within theyre best interest.