Nice, the latest update is completely bugged for me. If I launch a game full screen, the pop up for steam overlay appears multiple time, placing the chat window in front of the game, and the main steam window disappears forever.
Nice, the latest update is completely bugged for me. If I launch a game full screen, the pop up for steam overlay appears multiple time, placing the chat window in front of the game, and the main steam window disappears forever.
Lol, this is hilarious and pathetic at the same time. At this point, a zip-tie is more secure than a masterlock 😂
I wouldn’t mind so much is uBlock Origin was available for safari, but it’s not, so I will have to go for one of the dodgy knockoffs…
" Hello, this is the lock picking lawyer, and what I have for you today…"
“Nothing on 3, click on 4, counter rotation on 5, back to the beginning, click on 1, and… We’ve got this open.”
Last time I tried, I couldn’t install add-ons on Firefox on the iPad. Because Firefox on iPad is just safari with a coat of paint.
Mary was not virgin until they changed the story later around A.D. 300, during the Romain Catholic Church.
It is a It’s always sunny in Philadelphia reference: The Gang Buys a Boat /
Agree. Looking back at the outcome of last EU parliament elections. Looking at the political situation in France, Germany, Austria, Italy… We are fucked.
I have enough people I dislike and disagree with IRL, I will have all my opinions confirmed when I’m browsing online, thankyouverymuch. /s
Didn’t they make the change recently?
Cool cool cool cool. Can I buy 16GB now and upgrade my Mac later ?
"what’s wrong babe? Your not in the mood ?
Well, realistic graphics are costly and time consuming. If development time and budget is spent of photorealism, it’s not being spent on game mechanics or additional stories.
Who cares about photorealism ? Artistic direction just has to be consistent to contribute to the world building. Other than that, I think many will agree with me that most important are: good writing (characters and story arcs), good gameplay, creative concepts.
Or whole kernels that run in a Hypervisor.
Isn’t it what Microsoft does on Xbox One & Series ?