The European Union’s investigation into the Chinese online shopping platform Temu to ensure that Temu’s goods meet EU standards and do not harm consumers. The EU is concerned about counterfeit items, aggressive sales tactics, and the platform’s addictive design. Temu has rapidly expanded in Europe and is considering joining a European anti-counterfeit group.
We have so many poisonous products labeled as safe shipped over from China. Kids play with these…
I’m becoming more aware of this lately too. Just realizing that Amazon for example has almost negative quality control, in the sense that a counterfeit product from one supplier just gets lumped in with the real ones from other suppliers, and then they sell them having lost the knowledge of who supplied the counterfeit.
And I know no one is checking for flammability of kids’ clothing / items. So I mean, who’s to say stuff made with lead or whatever the fuck else isn’t just getting hucked on down the line too?
Got any rules of thumb or heuristics you’re using? So far all I’ve really got is “nothing for kids from a store without a physical location in my country”. Just basing that on the fact there will at least be someone to sue, which usually encourages better behavior. I also generally avoid the “I can’t believe this is so cheap” products (outside legit sales) because usually something important is getting squeezed somewhere, given the already generally oversquoze situation that is “the market”.
Wait… people buy off temu?!
Unfortunately yes, I have a family member who buys from TEMU all of the time. All because of the “cheap deals” that TEMU offers all of the time.
I buy enamel pins and stickers. Shit is totally rip offs but they look good.
Just don’t put them in your mouth, because I’m sure they contain lead and/or cadmium.
It’s how billionaires shop! Didn’t you see the 35 ads during the super bowl? Any company spending that much money on advertising has to have a good product!
Temu is a handy way of getting cheap AliExpress tat with combined shipping. Otherwise you can end up with 10 tiny packages you have to go get from the post office spread across two weeks.
I agree with all the EU claims though, the site is designed to mislead and hook people who can’t filter out all the predatory tactics it utilizes. There are no “deals” or scarcity, nor really any quality control.
Illegal? Try nonexistent. The shit in their ads are not what they sell.