I used to love Kurzgesagt but I just don’t like their videos anymore, and I’m not sure why. They definitely make the kind of content I enjoy, always did and still do, but when I try to watch any of their videos from the last 3-4 years I just don’t like it. I also get this feeling that they are kinda smug about their popularity and how famous they are, it’s weird.
I unsubscribed after they put out a vid that felt like an unmarked ad for the cyberpunk game
I feel the same. If I had to put a finger on it, I would say it is since the time they parted ways with the german “GEZ”. Wiki GEZ
They recently repeated establishment disinformation about drugs. Didn’t address the real problem. They pro status quo bias and hide behind science justifications.
They’re good, but they’re stretching the sauce and don’t get to tge bottom of things that are too controversial even if high probability of being true.
“hide behind science justifications” maybe I’m misunderstanding you, but isn’t basing opinions and world views on science exactly what people should be doing?
There’s science in the imagination and tgere’s real science which only makes grants request to questions where the answer is something a politician wants to hear.
I feel the same way. I can’t put my finger on it, but I feel something is off and not as good as the older videos. Definitely not because they’re more mainstream now though
Nope, you’re definitely not a contrarian by nature in real life.
You’re also immune to Russian apathy propaganda and Lemmy complaints about green washing…
It’s gotta be because they managed to make money off spreading well researched and sauced scientific videos and something just feels off now…
Wow. Big toes like that must be cumbersome huh?
Glad I’m not alone on this
Ohno. My brain can’t take this rn. Thanks though
“Yeah, I’m really getting into non-black-hole stellar mass singularities at the moment. You’ve probably never heard of it.”
Isn’t the whole thing about gravastars that they don’t have singularities?
Imma wait to be excited about this, it’s some kinda nonsense like gigantic atoms, with a hard candy shell made of bubbles but the energy of 10 suns idk man that’s pretty out there
Ofc existence is pretty strange on a good day …
Well, black holes are pretty out there, too. Singularities don’t really make sense with our current understanding of physics. Also we can directly observe some really weird states of matter like bose einstein condensates, so I don’t think this is ridiculous.
My mang if giant atoms exist then we are definitely the empty space between them, part of a large X-dimensional furry
With the number of ‘impossible’ things I’m seeing each day in the news, this video was met with an optimistic shrug and a bottle of wine before work.
I mean physics is insane in general. XKCD had a video the other day that mentioned that if you had enough light/a strong enough laser, space itself stops being transparent because matter suddenly starts materialising out of nothing and blocks the light.
I watched it last night. I’m still trying to get my head around positive pressure vacuum.
Wikipedia says “the inner region has thermodynamically no entropy and may be thought of as a gravitational Bose–Einstein condensate” if that helps
Oh thanks, that clears it up completely.
It helps in that I clearly don’t understand what is happening, but at least I can put fancy words with it.
Can you get your head around singularities? Because as much as I do understand, I still don’t understand them.
Its just a part in the equation where you’re dividing by zero, that’s all. We know you cant divide by zero, so it means our theories are incomplete.
The gravastar theory is notable (IMO) because it does away with the singularity. Although, it seems like this theory is borderline unfalsifiable, since any way you could detect a gravastar would also be insistinguishable from a black hole.
Personally, I am of the (completely unsubstantiated) opinion that black holes create universes (somehow) because it is a simple, succinct answer to many questions. So, any theory that takes that seriously would be worth further research, imo. But until there is some kind of observational evidence, I think this is just relegated to the realm of “that’s a neat thing that math can do”.
That’s interesting, I’m debunking bogus claims of my lil bro from time to time and when pushed it usually ends up in some sort of division by zero (all is everything and everything is all sort of idiocy), does this thing you describe where if you divide by zero your theory is incomplete have a name? Any pointer warmly welcomed!
This Veritasium video could help to explain some things (it still boggles my brain): https://youtu.be/6akmv1bsz1M
Yes, this is an excellent video! Thanks for finding this, I couldn’t remember which video I saw this in when I was typing my reply.
If this is something that interests anyone reading this thread, PBS Space Time has a number of excellent videos on the topic of black holes and their theoretical alternatives.
I’m gonna rephrase that for both of us, I think (hope):
We understand better what it is we don’t understand about them.What’s weird is I do! After decades of watching and learning I think we’re a 3-dimensional species that can only mathematically measure things via 2-dimensional thinking. (We can only visualize space-time in a single plane for example mentally, honestly)
All the things that ‘disappear into nothing’ like singularities and even UFO’s I think simply are 4th dimensional in nature if not higher. They dip in and out of what we can perceive and the beings that live there are amused at us crawling around like ants in an ant-hill.
You might wanna watch this Veritasium video talking about how we understand information around black holes, before you start bringing in UFOs and UAPs.
I wonder how old these three people are now …
The source image was from 2015, and the people appear to be in their mid-20s then, soooo… about 35 now.
That’s not a person it’s a picture
It’s not a picture, it’s a sequence of bytes
It’s not a sequence of bytes, it’s a sequence of bits
Gravastar are sexy but Black hole can suck better.
You know I got super high a few weeks ago and imagined something similar to this so I’m pretty sure they’re on to something here.
The soundtrack on this video was a banger too