'murican here. Comfortable with the metric system, but not used to seeing number+m to represent meters, so at first I read that as “100 million” and was thinking you shouldn’t just burn the house down, but the entire fucking city.
Also an American. I couldn’t imagine how big that was so I went outside and measured. It’s between 1000 and 1050 Big Macs away from his house for anyone wondering.
'murican here. Comfortable with the metric system, but not used to seeing number+m to represent meters, so at first I read that as “100 million” and was thinking you shouldn’t just burn the house down, but the entire fucking city.
Also an American. I couldn’t imagine how big that was so I went outside and measured. It’s between 1000 and 1050 Big Macs away from his house for anyone wondering.
I’m in Tennessee, can you translate that into bullets per square child or bald eagle tail feathers, please?
No, but it’s about 50 bald eagle wingspans.
whistles whoo, doggy, that’s a lot of cowboy boots!