A reminder that he is wearing a “Occupy Mars” shirt. A movement to occupy Mars. How can we do this? Well we need water. And he wants to bomb Mars to achieve this. The Nazi supporting lunatic wants to bomb Mars!!!
Eh, terraforming Mars by bombing the shit out of it’s surface is just one theoretical method, but very long term plan - far extending his mortal life. He wouldn’t have patience for such but instead wants to build permanent bases there as soon as possible
Is it really not obvious who the bottom is?
bruh why does this image make musk look like a pedophile, i mean look at that face
(oh yea hes probably on the epstein list…)
Yeah. Anyone can look weird as hell for one instant of a freeze-frame, I’m not sure how much it means. But he definitely looks weird.
That’s three freeze frames in a row where he looks dead-behind-the-eyes evil and disturbing.
He looks like he’s been doing a lot of drugs.
Ego is one hell of a drug
I think he just looks obsequious.
Full of or exhibiting servile compliance; fawning.
Promptly obedient, or submissive, to the will of another; compliant; yielding to the desires of another; devoted. Similar: compliant devoted
Servilely or meanly attentive; compliant to excess; cringing; fawning.
“obsequious flatterer, parasite”
Similar: cringing fawning
Yeah, Trump’s soft, shitty brain is no match for Elon’s younger, shitty brain.
A reminder that he is wearing a “Occupy Mars” shirt. A movement to occupy Mars. How can we do this? Well we need water. And he wants to bomb Mars to achieve this. The Nazi supporting lunatic wants to bomb Mars!!!
Eh, terraforming Mars by bombing the shit out of it’s surface is just one theoretical method, but very long term plan - far extending his mortal life. He wouldn’t have patience for such but instead wants to build permanent bases there as soon as possible
No, I don’t believe this was to terraform. I think he wanted to bomb it just to release the supposedly hidden water only.
That sounds pretty cool, as long as we can confirm there’s no life there.
We don’t want a “Home Soil” situation.
Ah, so he’s hit the age where you don’t bounce back so well and now he’s losing his shit over the perceivable reality of mortality.
Eat some fucking fruit, musk.