The commander of the IDF’s 98th Division said he would work on evacuation plans “if and when” he is told to launch an invasion.
A Hamas police vehicle was struck in Gaza’s southern city of Rafah on Wednesday evening in what Palestinian media reported as a targeted assassination by the IDF.
According to the reports, Hamas police’s special forces head, Majdi Abd al-Aal, was killed in the suspected attack.
Israel has ‘no plans’ for minimizing Gazan casualties in Rafah
Israel has no concrete plans to minimize civilian deaths in Rafah in the case the IDF decides to launch an offensive into the southern Gaza city, CNN reported on Wednesday, citing a top Israeli military commander.
Isn’t that Hamas police just above ground civilian patrol units? The picture is of a police car above ground. This does not look important
I mean they killed basically the chief of police. A position of power that could take charge in case all other members of Hamas are removed. It’s not to say he was particularly important but it’s a great way to make it so that they have absolutely no leaders to look to in Palestine which can make it more easily get the civilians away from Hamas leadership or make them easier to squash. Both are true and it is what it is in war.
Hey they hit an actual target this time!
Spoiler alert, they were all targets that they hit. At least to them.
The photo suggests IDF should be a kind of police. Manipulation at it’s best.💔
What do you pro-Hamas guys make of this
It bears repeating you can be anti facisim AND anti terrorism. Plus I’m fairly certain the forced removal of a population is just one of many traits of a genocide.
How cute, Hamas has police cars like they are actual government instead of terrorist assholes.
The place where 2 million people live has a government. Shock.
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Brainrot moment
Did the people of Gaza appoint Hamas or did they waltz in at gunpoint?
They elected them and in recent polling generally support them, especially for doing the October 7th attack
Could decades of brainwashing be a factor of it?
Attack my ass, unarmed civilian massacre.
Could decades of brainwashing be a factor of it?
Maybe ask yourself the same.
Really? Let me guess, you think I am a brainwashed Israeli Jew or someone living abroad?
Ever really listened to Lennon, Imagine? Or Roger Waters work?
ANY organized religion or ANY race(!) based thinking, being manipulated by billionaires is the problem. I know both sides, nobody is good. Root for true peace.
What HAMAS did is comparable to Poland really attacking Germany.
I agree with you in theory, just not in practice, I suppose. Billionaires are not going to roll over and quit because they’re asked to.
I mean, I don’t support any of the violence occurring, especially not the violence of displacing Palestinians into ghettos and definitely not Oct. 7th, however if you were displaced into a ghetto and lived in constant fear of being bombarded by the IDF, I’d support whatever group of people with guns that said they would fight the group of people trying to kill me. They’re caught between a rock and hard place with no options. You go with your best option given the circumstances.
“I don’t condone violence, I just make excuses for it”
Any violence towards civilians is unacceptable. You can condemn those actions by Hamas and still recognize that the occupied have an international right to fight back against their occupiers.
Israel has made peaceful resolution impossible, non violent protests against the occupation are responded with lethal force
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”
“I don’t condone violence, I just make excuses for it”
Yes, After Arafat died they were elected by a small election of something like 45 percent back in 2006. Since then, the “democratically” and “fairly” elected government that didn’t even try to influence the election with any terroristic activity, has not held another election. Do you wonder why? As far as the people of Gaza supporting the Hamas attack on Israel, are you serious? They would support ANYBODY attacking Israel but then again, they would gladly accept any humanitarian aid from Israel also.
You forgot the part in 2006 when Fatah tried to overthrow the PA in a coup and Israel publicly took their side and armed them. Hamas repelled the coup attempt and there’s been multiple attempts at redoing the election but neither side trusts the other and Hamas is not going to let coup people run for election when they tried to overthrow a result they didn’t like.
Fatah was the ruling party in 2006. learn history. Also, remember Hamas sided with Fatah in 2014 only to stab them in the back or did you forget about that?
Perhaps you should learn history; Fatah lost seats to Hamas in the 2006 election when Hamas won the plurality of the vote. Fatah decided to try a coup after being egged on by Israel.
If you think they weren’t there well before 2006 with plenty of guns, you don’t know history.
Hamas wouldn’t exist if there was no occupation
British Mandate Period:
Antisemitism in the Arab World
The Concept of Transfer 1882-1948
Palestinian Arab Congress advocating for Unified State 1928
1929 Riots from Forward and 972Mag
Peel Commission Report and Memorandum of the Arab Higher Committee 1937
1936-1939 Revolt from JVL, Britannica, MEE
What Hitler and the Grand Mufti Really Said: Time, Haaretz, WaPo
Yosef Weitz’ unofficial Transfer Committee and the JNF. Which has dispossessed Palestinians to present day. 972mag, MEE, Haaretz
1948 to 1967:
Plan Dalet and Declassified Massacres
Additional context of what was detailed in Plan C (May 1946) and Plan D (March 1948)
Arab League advocating for unified state 1948
1967 war Declassified
Israel Martial Law and Defence (Emergency) Regulations practiced in the occupied territories after 1967
How the US became the ally of Israel
Occupation and 50 years of dispossession
Oslo Accords MEE, NYT, Haaretz, AJ
Arab Israelis are not equal including Education (2001 report)
Palestinian Prisoners in Israel and Military Court
Child abuse of Palestinian prisoners
Human Shields including Children (2013 Report)
Settler Violence, Torture and Abuse in Interrogations, No freedom of movement, and also Water control
Palestinians lack civil rights
Hamas founding charter and Revised charter 2017
History of Hamas supported by Netanyahu since 2012
PCPSR Public Opinion Poll Dec 2023
One State Solution, Foreign Affairs archived here
Weird, your sources seem to be missing the events in late 1947 that led up to the formulation and execution of Plan Dalet. All cases of the Arab League threatening mass genocide of Jews and conclusive evidence of the Arab League having deep ties to Nazi Germany also seem to be mysteriously absent. 🤔
Those are both revisionist histories that got debunked from the declassified archives of the Israeli Military, especially when cross referenced with Arab Sources.
The Nakba preceeded the arab-israeli war
Plan C, that preceded Dalet, was implemented in May 1946, and previous plans (A and B) that were more recon oriented (such as detailing the village/town layouts, which if any officials to kill, how many militia was in each town, how many if any weapons the militias had) were developed earlier. This goes back to the concept of transfer in Zionist thought which I linked. As well as the declassified info I also linked.
Additional context of what was detailed in Plan C (May 1946) and Plan D (March 1948)
Israel was the aggressor in 1948
What Hitler and the Grand Mufti Really Said: Time, Haaretz, WaPo
The wiki on Amin Husseini and Azzam Pasha also show the revisionism in your source. After his expulsion, Amin’s influence continued to dwindle. His antisemitism was never popular. It’s no wonder why his personal Holy War Army only had about 1500, while over 12000 Palestinians fought alongside Jewish forces against Nazi Germany
If you want a more accurate account of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict you should look towards the New Historians that emerged once documents about the founding of Israel became declassified
The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine - Rashid Khalidi
The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine - Ilan Pappe
A History of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict - Mark Tessler
Hey Nazi Germany wouldn’t exist if they liked or bought Hitler’s art.
Actually Nazism wouldn’t exist if the treaty of Versailles wasn’t so punishing Germany economically. The Nazi party got its supporters of disgruntled citizens with the current hardships. And mind you a lot of the initial support of the party was by regular citizens who were viewing them as the only way out of this spiral of despair. There are plenty of articles on the internet explaining exactly this in case you are interested.
And guess what Israel is doing exactly now in both the West Bank and Gaza? Creating the same spiral of despair while calling themselves the good guys. And yes, Hamas probably also wouldn’t exist if Gazans and Palestinians were treated equally and with respect by Israel’s government. So like it or not the current status quo there only benefits the far right parties and Hamas.
And guess what else, this war in Gaza won’t bring any peace to the region, peace can only be brought if both sides are making compromises and in good faith are trying to reach a mutually acceptable long term solution, which I don’t see happening anytime soon. That’s why so many countries are pushing Israel to seek a two state solution, because this is the only way to some kind of sustainable peace, which your far right government so fervently refuse, because you know they can keep pressing Palestinians, bare them from any basic human rights and dehumanize them in their medias.
Because all these far right parties in Israel are toast without Hamas, they need an immediate threat to fuel the fear of their voters, the same way Hamas is toast without the far right government and parties in Israel.
You might be right, but what’s your point? Even logically, there are no parallels to your statement and the ongoing issue in Palestine.
Wrong, HAMAS formed in late 1987 at the beginning of the first Palestinian intifada. Its roots are in the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. Call it whatever you want but if there was never a Sayyid Qutub, there would never have been a Muslim Brotherhood, hence no Hamas.
Hamas was an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, with sheikh yassin as the ‘spiritual leader’ in 1987. Those links go over the Intifada’s and Hamas in detail.
The intifada was a massive protest against the occupation that was ongoing since 1967, so yes there would be no Hamas if there was no occupation.
The First Intifada was a largely spontaneous series of Palestinian demonstrations, nonviolent actions like mass boycotts, civil disobedience, Palestinians refusing to work jobs in Israel, and attacks (using rocks, Molotov cocktails, and occasionally firearms) on Israelis.
I gave up weeks ago. Same with the genocide Joe shit. I internalized acceptance this morning after hearing Biden #s in Nevada. Veeeery vocal and astroturfing minority on here. This place doesn’t have the cultural identity I feel it purports.
Of course they were, but they also won an election
So did Hitler. What’s your point?
Did you know that Hamas was headquartered in Damascus until 2012, real legitimate government there huh?
That they didn’t as you say “waltz in at gun point”. Just as the German people of the time had some responsibility for the rise of Hitler, so must the Palestinian people of today bear some responsibility for putting Hamas in power.
Hence my comments about Hamas’s popular support in polling.
They even collect taxes. Every time you hear Gaza Official, thats Hamas
Did you happen to read that article about the Taliban being bored working bureaucratic jobs instead of terrorizing with the boys? It’s surreal.
It’s all fun and games until you have to run the country.
If they were the government of Gaza, they would be called the government of Gaza and operate in Gaza not in other countries. They are nothing but a bunch of little-minded idiots masquerading as government officials.
So the Palestinian equivalent of the taliban, got it.
The Taliban, Hamas, and Bibbi can all get fucked.
The CCP is effectively the government of China and they have been caught operating police stations in the US and Canada
You bought into the clickbait headlines. The so-called police station in New York’s Chinatown was the same as our intelligence and spy operations overseas. It was just some idiot reporter who thought a sensationalized headline was a good idea regardless of the fallout. But are you trying to compare Hamas being in countries outside of Gaza to intelligence operations? that is an odd thing to do. You are the first Hamas apologist I’ve ever spoken to.
Christ lemmy. Im still not sure if this site is just ccp propaganda
How cute, Israel calls itself a democracy while being an apartheid, eg. Laws that only apply to Palestinian citizens.
Let me ask all you Hamas apologists a simple question, why won’t the arab brothers next door to the Palestinians allow them refuge in Egypt?
Can I assume you are saying - since other countries refuse to accept them, it must be acceptable to commit genocide? How do you feel about the voyage of the damned (1939), where 937 mostly Jewish refugees were turned away in the Americas? All had to return to Europe, 255 died in the war, many in the death camps.
Lol that these Hamas apologists can’t make a single argument for their position based on it’s own merits. Have to resort to facetious Nazi comparisons which will never convince anyone.
I am asking specifically about one country and that is one with a shared border. The rest of your assumption is in your imagination.
Thanks for the clarification. So it needs to be a neighbouring country which refuses entry. I wasn’t able to find any evidence of neighbours of Nazi Germany preventing entry to Jewish refugees but it seems odd all these desperate Jews would travel across the Atlantic to Cuba in the hopes of getting into USA. Couldn’t they go to Western Europe, be safe then continue to USA? Unless they were officially/unofficially not welcomed. All in my head and the Holocaust didn’t happen in 1939 so nothing to worry about.
According to Godwin’s law, you have lost the argument by having to make a comparison to Nazis.
Unless the comparison is apt. Godwin addendum below.
Good opinion piece.
You are a special type, aren’t you? The Nazis had the Jews captive, but Hamas supposedly doesn’t. Two different things. nice try though.
That ship left from Hamburg Germany. And why would Hamas need to keep Gazans captive in the largest open air prison in the world, maintained by Israel.
you asked why the Jews didn’t leave Nazi Germany, did you forget already? There have been camps in Germany since 1938. Not all Jews were lucky enough to be outside them. that is the reason Jews could not leave. The Palestinians are not held in camps or prisons by Hamas so stop being foolish.
Are you conveniently forgetting that Israel, yes, the same Israel has expelled more than 700K Palestinians in 1948 and is still refusing to grant them the right to return? How do you justify this in your eyes?
What if it was the other way around?
And why would Hamas need to keep Gazans captive in the largest open air prison in the world, maintained by Israel.
let’s see if I understand this. The Gaza Strip is bordered by Israel on two sides, Egypt on one side, and the Mediterranean on the last side. Yet almighty Israel is the prison keeper? Surely you jest.
Yes and here is an article explaining why.
Wow IDF goes hard on lemmy lately.
In the last month there’s been a deluge of new accounts that are relay posts for right wing/Ruzzian disinformation.
Really? IMHO neither IDF or MOSSAD are doing their jobs. There can be some 11d chess they are playing but the fact is, HAMAS or Stormfront doesn’t need their own social media while here exists,
The dude I replied to is openly calling for ethnic cleansing of Palestinians and receiving 11 upvotes. The amount of IDF troll accounts have increased over the last two weeks. This looks like a targeted campaign. I hope the moderators can get a grip and ban these people.
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Why should Palestinians leave the land they’ve been living on for centuries and become displaced refugees in another country?
Seems that most Arab countries aim for two things
- Keep as much natives of Palestine in Palestine
- Not get nuked by a country that never faces actual repercussions (like how Russia and China get repercussions).
Because Egypt is a dictatorship that doesn’t care about Egyptians or Palestinians. The general sisi accepted billions of dollars in bribes and therefore does what the US and Saudi want. (Saudi doesn’t like Hamas because they view it as related to Muslim Brotherhood and thus a threat to their monarchy)
But nice try trying to engage in Whataboutism.
Because they don’t want to deal with a refuge crisis.
Do you realise that the Nazis used the same wording for jewish people ? Asking other countries to take jewish people as refugees to get them out of Nazi controlled territories. Are you seriously using the same tactic as the Nazis right now to kick Palestinians out of their homes ?
If I was either in Gaza or in Israel you might have a point but I’m here on Lemmy asking a question and you are using your imagination on overdrive.
Yeah because the way you asked your question wasnt indicative at all. " Let me ask you hamas apologists" etc… you’re just asking a question right ?
Asking that in that manner and using the same questions the Nazis used to get rid of jewish people from the lands they occupied, the same way israeli politicians are asking to ethnically cleanse the Palestinians should give you pause at least.
Am I to shut my mouth while these guys freely defend Hamas? Isn’t that what you are accusing Israel of doing to the Palestinians?
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What a question to ask in the context of a genocide.
I’m sure you’ve got some interesting notions - why don’t they?
I’m guessing it’s the Palestinians’ fault they’re being genocided and can’t be displaced into Egypt?
Who is a Hamas apologist ?
You haven’t seen any posts here defending Hamas?
You’re not looking are you?
I’m trying my best to be objective, and while I do admit I am not without fault, I have not seen what you are referring to. Are you sure you’re not misattributing anything? Sympathy for Palestine does not equal defending Hamas’ actions. I have yet to see a single post defending Hamas or their actions on Lemmy. I have, however, seen a lot of condemnation of Israel’s actions. Maybe I am mistaken, but I believe you are conflating the two.
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Rule 5: Keep it civil. It’s OK to say the subject of an article is behaving like a (perjorative, perjorative). It’s NOT OK to say another USER is (perjorative). Strong language is fine, just not directed at other members. Engage in good-faith and with respect!
How does taking in refugees make egypt complicit in the thing the refugees are running from? Was belgium complicit in the holocaust for taking in refugees? Was the greek patriarch complicit when he ordered his church to give out christian baptismal certificates to every jew they could? How would egypt be complicit in genocide by taking in people fleeing that very thing?
Israel’s stated goals are ethnic cleansing. There are real estate companies already selling land in Gaza. Gaza’s population is made of mostly refugees that Israel does not allow to return to their homes that has been the situation for 75 years
The plan is to never allow the Palestinians to return, this is called ethnic cleansing.
But I expect you already know this and are only arguing in bad faith.
How am I supporting anything? It’s people with mouths like this that are causing problems.
You defend a country that the ICJ has found to be conducting a plausible genocide. Makes you a genocide supporter.
Even if there were Hamas apologists here (there aren’t), what does that have to do with Gazan civilians?
This dude goes around, and picks fights to feel something.
Don’t bother trying cause everyone else is emotional but him and he gets giddy to point it out. Basic abuser who likes the thrill of the fight and feeling superior.