• dumpsterlid@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    You ever watch a seagull at a shore flying in extremely gusty wind? They don’t get credit for being the incredible flyers they are.

    In a cold whipping New England winter wind that abruptly switches directions seagulls manage to gracefully hover over the shoreline, smoothing out all that chaotic energy to methodically comb through the shore wrack from 50 feet in the air.

    When was the last time you actually looked carefully at a seagull wing? It’s just funny to me, seagulls have this identity as the rats of sky but their bodies are basically designed like high speed luxury cars. They might not be the fastest bird, they might not be able to do crazy dives, but in terms of high speed handling in challenging conditions they are superbly designed in a way most other birds can’t even remotely compete with.

    • eatCasserole@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      One time the Canada day fireworks were cancelled because it was too windy, so instead I just watched the seagulls. I swear they were playing in the wind, a bunch were going around a loop, catching the wind and getting carried up over a hill, then looping back around and gliding back to the bottom of the hill to go again. It looked like fun.