10-year-old Fatima Jaafar Abdullah was killed in pager explosions in Lebanon.

Israel murders another kid again.

    • FuglyDuck@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      it wasn’t though.

      they deliberately set off an explosive device with no notion as to where that device or who else it was around. This was a deliberate act, and the way their using them, the chaos and “collateral damage” isn’t a bug, it’s a feature.

        • FuglyDuck@lemmy.world
          1 month ago

          Even if you take the assumption for granted, no. They did not know any such thing. At all.

          First off, lets talk about the assumption- that the pager was issued to, and in the possession off, a hezbollah member.

          That’s it. That’s as far as they “knew”, and it’s really just an assumption. For all mossad knew, a few got passed around to friends or family. You know. “For their safety”, or something.

          Now onto how there was no knowledge of where those IEDs were physically located. Pagers are passive receivers. The pager network sends a signal, then pagers receive it and display a number or whatever.

          They don’t always do two-way communication, and given their reason for buying them… I doubt these are. Which means the pagers are entirely passive and probably would work over most the globe. As long as the pager (which is the receiver) is in range of its broadcast tower network (which probably includes satellites,) then they work.

          There’s a reason they’re used by emergency services, and it’s that drop-dead-simplicity and reliability.

          So no. Mossad or whoever did not know where rhe fucking bombs were. All they knew was that they were likely to be physically near targets of interest.

          But they had know way of knowing who had which pager (probably.) or where that pager was, or who else was around that pager.

          In short this is as indiscriminate as Russia’s use of cluster munitions on cities. It’s absolutely terrorism.

          We’d be starting WW 3 if hezbollah or hamas did this to Israel. So why are we tolerating this from Israel?

            • FuglyDuck@lemmy.world
              1 month ago

              Ridiculous. A cluster munition covers a whole area with shrapnel indiscriminately. Tiny bombs carried by targets are a whole different category both as a weapon and effects wise.

              The ordinance in a cluster munition is called a bomblet. It’s called a bomblet because it’s a tiny bomb

              And like a cluster munition, the pager has caused indiscriminate shrapnel across an entire city.

              Hamas has indiscriminately slaughtered civilians on October 7th and fires unguided rockets at inhabited areas. Hezbollah fires rockets into Israel constantly and indiscriminately, killing Druze children playing outside.

              The whole reason Israel did this attack is because Hezbollah just doesn’t want to stop attacking Israeli civilians.

              the whole reason hamas did the attack was because of apartheid conditions in Gaza.

              You attack them, they attack you, you attack them, round and round it goes until there’s nobody left to attack.

              And yes. Israeli paramilitaries started the current cycle of violence with the Nakba. I’m tired of the bullshit. Aren’t you?

              There’s no world war 3. Israel gets hated on and condemned every time they defend themselves against terrorists attacking their cities.

              Didn’t say there was . I said “if”, with the hypothetical that roles were reversed.

              Are you really saying that’s not true?

              You act like there moral superiority. There is none. Your response to a terrorist attack is to genocide a people.

              Which, to be perfectly blunt, is the reason people are being critical of (not hating in my case,) the Israeli government. Because they’re doing a genocide.

              And the reason I’m critical of you? You’re defending genocide.