Do I start out in the same conditions or take a whole new roll of the dice?
A very important question. I’m definitely not interested in redoing this life under the same conditions.
Really? The only way I’d do it is if it was a repeat…
Just imagine all the money you could make on stocks knowing which companies will succeed in advance. But money isn’t the endgame…imagine what you could DO with that money. All the lives you could change, all the tragedies you could prevent…assuming you have the willpower to not be corrupted by it
That wouldn’t be the same conditions. You didn’t have foreknowledge about things the first time through.
If I could have foreknowledge, that would change things.
I suppose OP didn’t clarify if we’d remember anything in this scenario, I just assumed we did.
I think I’d still redo it, though. Even with all the bad stuff that’s happened in my life, it’s still better than how most people live
My problem with this kinda question is always the fact that I have kids. There is so much I wanted to do in life that was made essentially impossible by having them, and I wish I could go back and push having them off a little further out so I could have achieved a bit more. I guess if I could go back, but be guaranteed that I’d end up with the same children, maybe at a later date, or maybe just accomplishing my life goals earlier, then I’d be able to hit that big red reset button.
I’ve been building a go-bag for months that has everything to set up a base camp. I guess I would learn horticulture and food preservation then take my rigged up backpack to disappear into the woods. Hopefully I would never be found.
You’re on a quest for a G.E.C.K., aren’t you.
I passed the cave trials, I got my whetstone from the NPC, and I’m making a b-line for the Enclave to steal a power armor and weapons before leveling up twice.
Completely? Witness a series of murders by a high profile criminal and get witness protection.
Or call that guy in New Mexico for a specific vacuum package.
If I could start a small commune or tribe of sorts, with ~10 people and plenty of arable land, I’d go for it.
Good god no. Not unless I can change the starting conditions. I had to claw my way to this tenuous level of comfort.
It doesn’t matter. All life is suffering.
Nice try, secret agent.
I’m joking if course. My contingency plans are all in public git repositories. I’m just that good.
I would add more charisma points and remove some intelligence points. Makes for a happier life!
Good god no. Not unless I can change the starting conditions. I had to claw my way to this tenuous level of comfort.
A What if I could restart my life from scratch using a magical wand of some sort situation, or something more realistic like ‘I change country/name/job’?
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I think that just works if you believe in reincarnation… ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Hey, the question wasn’t “if it works”
I would kill someone and go to prison, life wouldn’t be the same.