Femboys implies the existence of femgirls
Tomboys imply the existence of tomgirls
Which itself suggests Jerryboys.
Rigged for your pleasure??
Wouldn’t it be a fem name? Like Jennygirls?
Big if true
Egirls are electronic girls, implying there are mechanical girls.
Digital girls implies the existence of analog girls
deleted by creator
I’m married to one, they start to wear out around 40 years or so
With regular maintenance you’ll find they improve with maturity.
We’re well behind on maintenance, trying to true up is a bitch :)
Fortunately, I’ve got a lot of the same failures so we’re in good company.
i think it implies there’s acoustic girls out there, and can confirm, i know a few!
A cogirl is a cogirloid in the category of cogirlfunctors
Rumor says that if you go to certain Linux conventions you’ll find tons of cute girls, and they all come from this country 🏳️⚧️
Slovenia :3
Legend says if you go outside and touch grass you may run into one.
I suppose some mysteries won’t ever be solved.
Omg just like Pokémon
Damn, I must have a world record for avoiding random encounters
How is it that grass has girl summoning powers? Is this power still present if the grass is ground to a fine white powder, combined with other ingredients and baked into a loaf- or baguette-shaped object?
How is it that grass has girl summoning powers?
It doesn’t. However, basements full of empty mountain dew bottles, ohego posters, and cumrags contain girl repellant.
The legends failed to mention that even in you run into one, keeping it around is a lot harder
I don’t believe in grass. Never seen it.
But the eldrich death eye will melt off my skin and hurt my eyes, also the grass makes my nose run.
The cumeradeship is real.
Don’t believe everything you read on the internet! Keep sending those donations and hit the subscription button.
I knew a woman once, but she died soon afterwards
Are these things related?
Forget about e-girls. Embrace i-ladies.
preposterous !
I’m glad that I live in the present day rather than the primitive times when I would have had to interact with other people face-to-face in order to survive. I can’t even imagine how difficult that must have been.
(How did people satisfy their sexual urges back then? Did they have to convince another person to pose naked every time they wanted to masturbate?)
Imagination (most important). Books, drawings. Also you can’t miss what you don’t know exists. People were probably content with what they had. Or just wanted things that were around them.
Edit: oh yeah, they got married Early
Sorry, I was kidding. I know what people did/do.
Don’t be ridiculous!
Stop spreading misinformation!
People just keep inventing silly things we dont need, never have.
I just got used to the 3D ones! Im scared