He had THE Sex. You know the one sex you get in your life and then never again.
Considering sex dries up after marriage it’s pretty accurate
Only if you don’t keep working at your partnership and are just there for the comfort of not being cosmically alone, sure.
Even almighty God cannot witness things that fast.
God was there
In the corner
Quietly jerking off
Then cumming over the two of them
God is a kinky dude, I like him.
He was on the cuck chair
“And the Holy Spirit came upon them…”
Would you call that a blessing?
Just keep in mind God doesn’t think anal and oral sex (hopefully not in that order, but no shame you do you) counts according to some religious people i met.
He’s definitely okay with oral. Provided you swallow.
There is nothing outside a person that by going into him can defile him, but the things that come out of a person are what defile him.
– Mark 7:15
Damn! Mark was one kinky motherfucker.
He hung out with a bunch of dudes and the main guy’s beard who was clearly just a prostitute he was paying to make the whole thing look legitimate. I mean obviously he’d be into this stuff.
according to some religious people i met
The legends of the poophole loophole are still spread to these days.
My understanding is that anal and oral are “wrong” in the same way masturbation is, it’s spilling your seed outside of sex for procreation.
But like, clearly a tier better than premarital sex so…
That also isn’t the moral of that story, despite what they tell you in Sunday school. Onan was punished because he didn’t want to impregnate his brother’s widow, which would have legally given his late brother an heir rather than Onan inheriting the property. Look up “levirate marriage”.
The wording could just mean he pulled out.
If you believe Jesus, even looking at a woman with lust in your heart is equivalent to full-on adultery, so no tiers. Many Christians actually believe that and, for example, would treat discovering a partner watching porn as if they’ve discovered the partner cheating.
They’re both considered sodomy
Like a sea turtle trying to get up on a raft.
What a mental image. Brain bleach, stat, please.
That’s not helping…
I’m still chuckling over this.
Is this a parody, or did someone actually brag on twitter about having sex? I honestly can’t tell what’s satire any more.
Could be either way, honestly. He’s a fundie who bragged about remaining a virgin until marriage. He finally got hitched to a former Miss Universe of all people, at age 32 or something.
Miss Universe
That shit’s so rigged. Always an earthling. SMH
Yeah, pretty much don’t stand a chance unless you’re a featherless biped with two boobs.
Well who else would win, a vogon?
Thinks of the tentacle possibilities. !
Oh trust me, I do
Ummmm, this is so cringe:
The other posters replying to you are as bad as the clickbait links they posted. I’m not about to go searching this guys social media, but this image or quote it wasn’t in either link they shared.
What the fuck is wrong with you posters? Not answering the question and posting a link to a news article that also doesn’t answer the question? Fucking don’t wast my time jesus.
The whole of the internet to figure out if something is factual or not and yet you demand someone else does the thinking for you
No wonder AI will replace us so easily
No, I “demand” that they don’t post in a way that implies the thing is real with links when the links don’t contain that information.
I will admit I’m being a grouchy ass. Sorry I’m taking my frustration out on you guys.
Jesus was not there.
Five years ago…
Probably had it a couple of other times since then. Would have to check his posts to be sure. Willing to bet there were maybe a few times where God was not there.
I used to fill in for god to watch him have sex, I thought him having god watch was for religious reasons, but he just can’t get off unless someone’s silently judging him in the corner.
Are they still married?
These types typically call it quits quickly
Man, what a waste.
In Tebow’s shoes I’d have been having sex with every woman I see.