It’s Saturday night, I have no date, A 2 Liter bottle of Shasta, and my all Rush mixtape. Lets rock.
Good lord, it doesn’t even have a cover for the expansion pak.
Wait, you were supposed to cover it? But how else are you supposed to let others know your N64 is capable of running DK64 without crashing?
By running DK64… without crashing.
It’s like seeing someone with their pants zipper down.
On the upside the joystick still centers itself.
The cover was for when you didn’t have the expansion pak. It covered the default memory pak.
The expansion pak had a red top that filled the space the cover took up. Making the cover obsolete.
OP does not have an expansion pak.
No it does not:
Huh, guess I remember wrong. Could have sworn it took up the covers space…
Ignoring the fact that the N64 pictured has a jumper pak inserted, someone else replied with an expansion pak under the cover. What are you on about.
My teeth hurt from looking at that image.
Seriously, how are they going to get through that whole box of cookies without some milk added in?
Look at this fancy cunt with the expansion pak.
Na, OP only has the default mem pak.
The expansion had a red top that filled the space for the cover.
The cover actually fits on top of the expansion pack.
Source: I went and looked at my N64 😄
The people upvoting OP and downvoting you have no clue what they’re taking about.
The photo is of a jumper pack, which did come with the console. If removed, the console will not power on. It is NOT a 4MB expansion pack…
All the jumper pack in the photo does is bridge the pins so the console turns on.
Needs smash Bros and 3 more controllers.
And maybe 3 friends, optionally.
I just throw all my extra controllers in the dryer at low speed. LG kicks my ass real good
lmfao, nice
You had me until those nasty cookies
Those cookies are absolutely disgusting. I can’t help myself but eat like the whole container.
Just sugar cookie frosting crack.
Then I end up convulsing on the floor from sugar overload.
Diabetes can lead to amputations, and too often does. Be careful.
I hope they amputate my head so I can stop eating them, sure way to stop the addiction
But If I’m amputated I don’t have to work anymore and I can eat more sugar cookies and N64.
Calling them cookies is an insult to all other cookies.
The cheaper cookies allowed the splurge on the vastly superior glass bottle Mexican Coke with real cane sugar.
You’re wrong, but that’s okay. You’re allowed to have wrong opinions.
Thank you, sir/madam. I know these cookies are controversial
I fucking love those but my diabetes doesn’t.
The only cookie that melts in your mouth. I swear the dough is just densely packed powdered sugar.
Boutta get diabetes tonight
My jam was some Zelda, sour cream and onion chips, and a 2 l bottle of either diet coke or cream soda. This photo filled me with so much nostalgia.
A case of grape soda id drink through twizzlers and ocarina of time
Majora’s Mask… Summer Vacation…
Oh my god …
Take me there
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Buckle up, it’s gonna be a Rainbow Ride!
I really wish old consoles didn’t usually need old TVs to work well. I used to have a N64, NES, and PS2, but I sold them all because I was moving and didn’t want to schlep the absurdly heavy 2004ish plasma TV I had to play them on.
Brother, have you heard of our lord and savior, emulation?
Outside of a few weird edge cases, everything up through N64 era is easily emulatable. PS2 is… okay for most popular games but still actively being worked on.
There’s even video shaders if you want to make it look like your old boxy TV. A lot of games from that era have graphics made with CRT screens in mind.
Here’s the wiki maintained by people from 4chan’s Emulation General thread.
Edit: I get the preference for original hardware, but if space/money are limited, it’s a more than passable alternative.
When was the last time you looked at ps2 emulation? Less than
2%1% of all ps2 titles are unplayable, and everything that I have tried playing works great.Also, every Nintendo console works amazingly well, and the switch actually sometimes has performance improvements on some games.
PS3 emulation is doable on a good PC, same with Xbox, though I haven’t tried any newer generations than that.
My plan is to never move again. I have a couple of CRTs for retro gaming that would be a huge pain to transport.
I rock my old Apple color monitor for my old consoles. The same one I’ve been rocking since I was a kid. Gotta smack it from time to time. I’ll change the capacitors one day.
If you were about to get fucked up there’d be a copy of Mario kart 64 and more than one controller😏
Mario Kart is nothing. Bring out the Mario Party. You may never see the people you’re with ever again.