First they came for the Trans people, but I didn’t speak up, because I wasn’t Trans.
You know I had a crazy thought yesterday… I’ve gone in the bathroom a bunch of times and never once have I tried looking at anybody else’s genitalia… Why the hell does anybody care about this?
Edit: I mean not accepting people for being people everybody should just be cool with each other… What the government is doing is beyond evil and we need to do everything in our power to stop it.
You probably also don’t watch far right media all day. Fox News and it’s spawn have been fear mongering trans people almost non-stop for years now. That’s the entire disconnect from the right and normal people
I had the unfortunate experience of working with newsmax doing Spicer and Co… I’m well aware of the paradigm of hate these groups propagate needlessly…
Yeah I mean to say it’s not your sole source of information. I’m sorry you had to go through that
And don’t forget conflating trans people and drag queens.
Ever do a drag show? Even if you’re cishet?
Sorry, you’re trans now.
Because they think nothing through. It doesn’t occur to them when they say trans women will rape girls in bathrooms that cis women can rape girls too. It also doesn’t occur to them that forcing everyone to use the changing rooms of their biological sex because “women are uncomfortable with a man changing next to them” means that they will be changing next to people who sure as hell look like men what with the no breasts and the beard. I’m guessing that will make them a hell of a lot more uncomfortable.
They think nothing through, then get angry when anyone has the gall to point obvious shit out to them.
Next up, they’re going to erase the remaining letters
I’m surprised they haven’t.
It’s a weird one, probably this is because I always try to see the bright side but I have mixed feelings. On one hand writing off just trans and queer people feels even more targeted and evil than deleting all letters.
But on the plus side, the fact that LGB haven’t been removed makes me feel slightly hopeful? This is a clear step back obviously. But it makes me feel that finally the idea that gay, lesbian, bisexual people exist and don’t need conversion therapy has actually sunk in and we can’t be erased so easily.
Now we have to keep pushing to get “TQ” similarly unerasable. 💪
But on the plus side, the fact that LGB haven’t been removed makes me feel slightly hopeful? This is a clear step back obviously. But it makes me feel that finally the idea that gay, lesbian, bisexual people exist and don’t need conversion therapy has actually sunk in and we can’t be erased so easily.
No, that’s completely wrong. They’re coming after trans people because trans people are the easiest target right now. They also intend to get rid of gay, lesbian, and bisexual people, but it’s easier to focus on one group at a time and attempt to split people apart.
They did the same shit in the UK with the “LGB Alliance,” mostly straight TERFs collaborating with the Heritage Foundation and doing absolutely nothing to advance the rights of the people they claimed to be supporting, focusing entirely on attacking trans people to the point of making alliances with extreme reactionaries and anti-feminists.
Anyone using the “LGB” acronym is either a reactionary using divide and conquer tactics aiming at attacking all LGBT rights, or a useful idiot to said reactionaries. There is no plus side here.
How does that old saying go?
“First they came for the transgender people, and then they stopped there.”
slightly hopeful
He’s pulled the gun, but only shot one of us so far. That’s good, right? . Right??
It would have been even easier to remove this page altogether, wouldn’t it?
I’m not disagreeing with you at all, but I think my point is being completely missed here. My point is not about what Trump has done which is unequivocally bad.
My point is about what we’ve achieved so far. We’ve made enough progress that to combat the “woke virus” they’re having to target first trans people specifically rather than directly removing mentions to LGBTQ+. I’m hopeful about the fact that we’ve achieved so much so far - obviously not about the fact that we’re being persecuted.
It only means that they see the lgb as still being useful for now. There’s no love there.
The only reason they did not remove the rest of the page is because there is still broader support for gay people.
They are planning to make trans both a mental illness and a sex crime. Separating the T out here is a step towards making that distinction.
It will be a longer and harder journey to do the same for lesbian, gay and bisexual people, but they will once the project is done. But you go after easier targets first to build momentum.
But on the plus side, the fact that LGB haven’t been removed makes me feel slightly hopeful? This is a clear step back obviously. But it makes me feel that finally the idea that gay, lesbian, bisexual people exist and don’t need conversion therapy has actually sunk in and we can’t be erased so easily.
Because the Nazis stopped at just Jews, right? Surely they never expanded upon that to encompass all “undesirables”, right?
Oh, wait.
I feel you’re trying to misconstrue my post by saying something I completely agree with, my post completely agrees with, and then throwing a sarcastic “oh wait”.
Of course I agree with this, which is why I say
This is a clear step back
We have to keep pushing
My point is about what we’ve achieved so far, which is worth celebrating, regardless of how we’re under attack. Obviously we have to achieve more - they’ll go for the rest of us after Trans people. Which wouldn’t happen if all of us make sure that trans folk are so obvious in the collective mind that erasing them becomes a ridiculous proposition.
Republicans have accepted LGBTQ people to some extent, otherwise they wouldn’t be pulling off this sort of devious shit and just removing these pages completely. That’s what is an achievement, and obviously we need to make sure we revert this and don’t keep regressing.
Doubt it. The LGB part of the equation aren’t hard for the average Joe to empathize with, they honestly would have skyrocketed in terms of acceptance years ago without the T group. The first 3 letters are just who you’re attracted to, the last letter is who you are and that’s a much bigger deal to a lot of people.
- Human Sexuality: We affirm God’s biblical design for marriage and family between one biological man and one biological woman, which has proven to be the foundation for all great nations in Western Civilization. We oppose homosexual marriage, regardless of state of origin. We urge the Texas Legislature to pass religious liberty protections for individuals, businesses, and government officials who believe marriage is between one man and one woman. We oppose the granting of special legal entitlements or creation of special status for sexual behavior or identity, regardless of state of origin. We oppose any criminal or civil penalties against those who oppose non-traditional sexual behavior out of faith, conviction, or belief in traditional values.
- Definition of Marriage and Family: We support the definition of marriage as a God-ordained, legal, and moral covenant only between one biological man and one biological woman. Further, we support a traditional definition of family with only one biological man in the role of father and one biological woman in the role of mother. We are opposed to same-sex parenting, intentionally subjecting a child to the loss of their biological father or mother, and other non-traditional definitions of family
- Homosexuality: Homosexuality is an abnormal lifestyle choice. We believe there should be no granting of special legal entitlements or creation of special status for homosexual behavior, regardless of state of origin, and we oppose any criminal or civil penalties against those who oppose homosexuality out of faith, conviction, or belief in traditional values. No one should be granted special legal status based on their LGBTQ+ identification.
from the official 2024 Texas GOP platform:
Except, at least to my knowledge, there’s nowhere in the Bible that says mentions gender, but a couple of parts where it’s pretty explicit about acceptable sexuality.
Doesn’t really matter though as these people can’t read to begin with.
They’re going to ban the Bible too. This isn’t about religion, at least not to those in power.
they honestly would have skyrocketed in terms of acceptance years ago without the T group
I’m gonna be honest, this seems like baseless speculation. At least by my flawed recollection, cis people barely thought about trans people at all over ten years ago. It’s taken a very well financed and concerted effort by the right to stir up as much hatred as they’ve managed to to this point.
“Many countries do not recognise the X gender marker”
Yeah, guess which country also doesn’t do that?
Many of those countries are also considered shitholes.
Reminder that the “LGB Alliance” in the UK literally worked with the Heritage Foundation and described it as “the only possible course of action.” It was an op with most of the supporters being straight transphobes trying to sow division. This move has the Heritage Foundation written all over it, they love that tactic, divide and conquer.
Remember article 5 of NATO, an attack on a member is an attack on all members! We must show support for the trans and gender nonbinary communities while we organize with the hope of flipping the legislature in the midterms two years from now.
an attack on a member is an attack on all members!
organize with the hope of flipping the legislature in the midterms two years from now.
Jfc, no…
What the fuck more will it take for people to understand that you can’t vote fascism away???!!!
Surely if we ask politely they’ll go away right? I mean, happened with hitler, mussolini, and also with franco! Specially with him!
Lemmy is for some reason overcome with peak electoralism brainrot and thinks that instead of being the barest fucking minimum of effort, voting is actually the peak of political praxis. Frankly, it’s bizarre.
Since you can’t say guillotines, or the law would persecute Lemmy itself. If it happens, it won’t be televised, that’s for sure.
There’s no law against saying things like, “we should all get together on courthouse squares across the country for collective action next weekend” that would persecute Lemmy. But people are no longer interested in collective action, it seems.
It’s hard to take action if you’re just one MAGA shithead with a gun (or oversized truck) away from either death or life-destroying debt. Even worse, your police force is badly trained and known to be full of shit. Civil disobedience blocking roads or doing similar, peaceful options come with an immediate threat to life and limb. And picking up a gun yourself to potentially defend yourself against the state is whole other caliber of action, you’re basically forced into an insurrection.
Without these fears I’m sure there would be more action. I’ve just witnessed my city of Hamburg, Germany, basically blocking the whole center with up to 80.000 people as a reaction to the so-called “christian democrats” and neolibs working together with the AfD nazis in Berlin (who failed). Because the only thing we have to fear are crazy truck drivers and another nazi regime. Hell, we can even blockade streets without previous permission without the police getting out guns or batons (they will use ‘pain compliance holds’ though; not everything is perfect).
I really hope that, after this deep dark nightmare you’re descending into, you’ll get better and go above and beyond with democracy and FAIR economics, learning from your past mistakes and enshrining safeguards into a newly reformed constitution. Like Germany did.
More? I haven’t seen any.
There will be no more fair voting in the US with Elon controlling the US IT infrastructure
Republicans control all three branches of government. There is not a chance they will give any of that up voluntarily. And people still think elections will be in any way fair and free.
Yes. Please don’t vote. Send the dems a message! It’ll surely make everything better
Trump vote with a MAJORITY of votes this time.
This is a divide and conquer tactic, trying to turn lesbians into TERFs and gays into whatever the gay man equivalent of that is (TERG?). Don’t let it work.
Speaking of NATO, when do they, I dunno, wanna get involved in removing an obvious bad actor? Actors? I don’t see anyone else bothering, or even coming close to being able to.
Fuck trump. Fuck musk. Fuck this administration. Fuck Republicans. Fuck conservatives. Fuck anyone who voted for a single republican. And fuck most democrats who haven’t done shit for us.
Ok, so fuck the system. Just a question though? Is it fucking in a sensual way?
(just want to head off some awkward scenarios)
It’s almost like the “You’re just panicking, Transpeople aren’t really being erased.” crowd were full of fucking shit.
Every step they take to erase us, I come this much closer to cutting out the people in my life that support him, regardless of his hateful policy. It tears me up inside, because I love them dearly. But eventually something will give, and I won’t hold my tongue any longer.
That’s enough internet for me for today. But who am I kidding? I’ll be back to doom-scroll further. They are winning. They’ve been winning ever since that fuck ran for office.
It wouldn’t be productive, but I’ve been thinking of texting some things at my mom. She hasn’t been hostler to me since I came out, but also not accepting with misgendering and dead naming.
I know she voted for him before, and I’m pretty sure she did this time. With the way things are going I will probably never see her again. I want her to know why.
I know you didn’t ask for feedback but if you want another person’s perspective, I’ve cut them all out (trump supporters and bigots), and the people who remain that I feel are still worth trying to maintain or improve the relationship I have been doing what I can to show them the reality of the situation and expose them to the suffering of others that they are shielded from by privilege.
If it were me being misgendered and dead named and otherwise being treated with disrespect by a parent who voted for my erasure, I would also be thinking about cutting them off and telling them how harmful they have been through their behavior and asking how they live with themselves when they’re enabling and even cheering on the violation of human rights of so many people in their own country. I would explain how they have hurt me and the problems they have caused or enabled or failed to protect me from. And if I had the energy/capacity for it I would maybe send some links showing the damage 45 has been doing in such a short period of time if I thought it was worth the time, in particular ways he is hurting people that look like that parent or have similar life circumstances, since they don’t seem to care about people who don’t.
Whatever you end up doing I wish you luck and good outcomes, and safety and peace at home and otherwise. I’m sorry you have such a shitty parent and I can relate in some ways and definitely feel you. You’re not alone 💚
First they came for the T…
Then the LGB…
Then the T again…
…then the rest of the ATCG
T stands for “travelers,” right?
donno, i mean it could mean transformers, i’ve seen the movies, the trilogy, they are great and have big guns.
“About 70 countries still consider consensual same-sex relations a crime. That list is growing by one more country, hopefully in the next months. Please stay tuned to our new and exciting developments regarding your collective and the hate we profess to it!!”
deleted by creator
deleted by creator
Its not the dems. Its that broken two party shithole of a system. Its designed to pin partys against each other and make a show of it.
Neither party has any interest in the people, a third option has never been viable afaik and everyone and their mom was manipulating the shit out of everyone.
The spread of disinformation was so bad I had to ban everything that was related to the elections.
People need to organize, get orange man out and take out that whole election system in one fell swoop. Direct vote counts, multiparty system, then take out the ability to donate more than 1000$ to a party, then take out the billionaires who own the media and the huge conglomerates.
The whole situation is directly explainable through absence of any actual left wing politics. No social net, no housing, no healthcare, nothing.
The US is a perfect example of 30 years of toxic positivity and ignorance of spreading problems.
My only question starting today is " when are we going to do a massive protest? "
I’m not saying 3 fat people walking around with copier paper sized art work. I’m talking, millions and millions of people Carrying helicopter readable banners and crates of water bottles to every single downtown.
When is this fuckening? I want to be there. I want it to be a general strike where everything stops. No planes, no cars, no trains. We walk (after a normal commute maybe) and we stay until orange fuck boy gets the boot so hard that he goes flying past the helicopter and into the sunset with pretty boy Vance in his mouth and Elno in his ass.
When people remember that Transpeople are neither their enemies nor where this ends.
Google 50501
50 states, 50 protests, 1 day.
Feb 5th at your state capitol.
I searched “50501 protest” and got a lot of facebbok, instagram, and forum links. I can’t really find a single site listing all official information.
Now we’re talking!
Random people online call for general strikes all the time but there’s no coordination or planning so nothing comes from them. However, there is one with real potential in the works being coordinated by an established union, United Auto Workers, with support from unions in several other industries. The date will be May 1, 2028, when many unions contracts with no-strike clauses have been coordinated to expire at once, and they are taking time to prepare, organize, and spread the word.
I don’t know, what about next sunday ?
Fine. I’m Here near Seattle on the north side. Its bitter cold and dry. It’s supposed to snow. But if I hear even 3 fat people going downtown, I’m joining! I’m fucking fat too.
Looks like I’m waiting 4 years to come out
I made the unfortunate “choice” (ie suffering from a mental breakdown from repressing it) to come out the week before the election. It was less than ideal. But also, fuck these people, I’m not going back to fucking hiding so some rich shitstain can pretend he cares about anything other than greed.