Pediatric. Oncologist. That dude is an absolute hero and treasure for taking on such a horrible and bleak profession. I hate that those words are combined in existence at all. God I’m so ashamed to be an American.
Some people are built different. My dad worked as a pediatric hospice nurse for almost 10 years. Talk about a shitty sad job. Every single patient is a child and every single one of them is GOING to die on your watch. Fuck THAT. I do not know how he did it.
I figure we have to have some angels to balance out the demons that end up in positions of prominence in our societies.
They are just doctors. No need to glorify them. They do no more or less than a bus driver. Most jobs have an emotional toll.
I’d have to imagine that the stress and emotional toll is significantly higher for a paediatric oncologist than a bus driver. There’s not so many people that could cope with that.
Let’s agree to disagree. I respect bus drivers as much as you do. Some people, however, have a greater positive effect on humanity as a whole, and that deserves its own form of respect.
I agree to disagree. Doctors may have a more immediate and tangible benefit on people’s health and well-being, but providing safe and reliable public transportation to untold amounts of working class people who may rely on you to provide for their families is also a massive positive effect that should not be diminished simply for being less culturally prominent.
Its not being diminished you are diminishing doctors who save dying children after 20 years of intensive education with driving a bus
Well, no point in arguing with someone like you. Regardless, as a practicing immunologist I don’t feel the least bit diminished by having the social utility of my work compared to other people; ESPECIALLY if it’s on the arbitrary basis of the amount of time, money, or education it took someone to become “valuable to society.” As for any of my colleagues who do feel that way: grow up; healthcare is a service, and we are service workers.
Good to know. Next time I have a medical issue, I’ll ask my bus driver for a diagnosis. What are your thoughts on subway drivers or Uber drivers?
Agreed, I would be equally angry if a bus driver were detained by ICE. Their immigrants status and then solidarity is more important than their profession.
Having known several healthcare workers with PTSD from the pandemic I strongly disagree.
Granted, the pandemic was traumatizing for people from all walks of life but I don’t envy hospital based nurses or doctors from that time.
It was so painful for nurses that many quit leading to a shortage that’ll likely go on for the next decade as a result.
Some of that is due to corporate healthcare enshittification but there was a mass exodus during the pandemic for a reason.
Different energy. Bus driver has to deal with many potentially grumpy people in many potentially unsafe areas. Not an easy job.
A doctor that is specifically specializing in a field where he has to get to know and take care of children as they die in a potentially painful way, has a much different challenge. Less for safety or aggressive people (though maybe parents could be I guess) but more in being the one to watch as the hope fades for each individual child in their last days.
I wouldn’t love the bus driving job. I don’t think I could do the pediatric oncology one for more than like, one patient ever. I’d be depressed forever.
is the title a pun on “depart-ment of education”?
It’s from a presidential directive for dissolving the “Departmen of Education”
It does appear to be so.
This is a sign we are collapasing. When the smart people wanna leave we are left with a bunch of narrow minded, uneducated people.
I work in big tech. 10 years ago, nobody was talking about going back to India, Pakistan, and to an extent, China. Now, people are talking about it. They’re talking about Indian stocks, Indian houses, and dreams of retiring to go back.
Most people aren’t - but the number is now non-zero.
Extremely sad news, this is what an authoritarian state looks like for anyone who still didn’t believe it. Wish them all the best wherever they land.
Wont last long until only the abolutely immoral scientists remain that are willing to experiment on political prisoners.
Replacing education with idiots. The perfect republican scenario.
brain drain
Can someone send me a direct link to his post?
If you want to live a happy life in the US right now, make sure your parents are in Russia.
Welcome to Europe! You get to keep your healthcare plans into retirement!
Whoever does not realize that THIS IS FAR MORE DEVASTATING than any nuclear bomb or even SIGNED capitulation in a war - is nothing else but an utter fool.
Why use Meta when Mastodon is available? The less we all use corporate social media the more resilient we become.
You have to say that on Meta if you want them to read it.
B/c these people are just libs.
and women
Of course.
I’ll mention you probably missed the Depart men(t) of Education wordplay in the title.
And the children, too.
Why are you always going on about women, Stan?
is this a reference to something
A scene in Life Of Brian.
Scientists left nazi germany for the US, now they’ll leave nazi US.
Also nazi usa took in nazi “scientists”.
deleted by creator
I can’t wait for these brave visionaries to build capitalism and white supremacy in Europe. \s