The whole porn ban thing is probably my all-time favorite example of conservatives voting against themselves.
Meanwhile, in California, I can watch all the porn I want without registering myself in a database and walk down the street to the weed store. And the women in my life still have rights over their own bodies.
So I guess Democrats are actually the party of freedom.
B- b- but, California b-b-bad! 🥺 Don’t you see how oppressed you are? You’re really oppressed out there. 🥺
California is bad for voting to keep prison slavery and refusing to solve the housing crisis with a council housing system much like the UK used to have.
Perfection is the ultimate enemy of good. I’d rather be in a place like California than some red state where I have to upload my ID to look at boobs.
Council housing? You mean social security houses that get supplied to you if you earn almoat nothing?
The Netherlands has that to this day, but that doesn’t solve the issue
who would’ve guessed
One of my fave porn vids got affected though.
— a Nord
It’s all relative. Lots of personal freedom, taxed like a mother fucker.
As it should be honestly but there are many people that don’t see it that way and view taxation as a form of oppression.
I don’t think the above commenter is saying GOP isn’t worse, but having lived there for a few years and since moved away, it’s taxed quite a bit more than other states. You definitely get a lot more out of it, so it’s just that tradeoff. Either you pay little taxes and have to pay separately for private things to do everything yourself (good for rich people, bad for everyone else), or you pay more taxes but have way more public services.
Removed by mod
Notice how the things you’re talking about are exaggerations and the comment above is not.
This comment was dumb but should NOT HAVE BEEN REMOVED.
Lol, comment about freedom get removed by mod
Freedom ain’t free.
Americans now need a wanking license.
yew got a lie-sense for that boner?
Idaho is starting a registry for at-risk men with erections, to prevent impure thoughts. You need to send a picture of your dick, where it will be validated by an evangelical priest.
Life begins at erection.
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Oh shitting hell lads, it’s Boris The Bouncer Bot!
Quick lads, run! Scarper before he tackles and smothers you unconscious!
Good boy, you don’t come until Trump tells you to.
Trump branded chastity cages.
What I hate most is that that would be an effective tactic for right wing extremist groups. Keeping men sexually frustrated and insecure in their masculinity is a powerful tool for them.
Actually come to think of it, I really wouldn’t be surprised if there were a variety of political themed pro dommes these days. It seems like it would be lucrative
It seems like it would be lucrative
My mind read that as “it seems like it would be lubricative” and it still made sense.
Idk I’d be bone dry working that job
That is revolting
Bu…bu…but I thought the Republicans were the party of freedom…
Aaaand they all immediately have one. Like they always did.
Me: This is America.
Pornhub: This content is not available in your state due to ID verification legislation.
My VPN: This is Germany.
My favorite small example of this is trying to watch a video on YouTube. If my VPN is set to United States then im told ‘You can’t watch this unless you log in.’
I switch to Germany and like magic the video plays. So clearly they didn’t need to confirm I wasn’t a bot. They just wanted to track my viewing habits.
What ?
you need to login to watch youtube in US ?
Didn’t knew that
Eh, no need for crazy latency, just get one in Colorado or something nearby.
This is how we lose access to personal encryption
What do you mean?
They were unintentionally demonstrating their lack of intelligence.
What do YOU mean?
This is pretense to intrude on other things and more importantly remove the ability to browse pornography anonymously, which is dangerous. I would never use an account to browse a porn site because why would I ever want that data linked back to me? Look at the government right now. You watch a gay or trans porn video and in a few years that could be grounds for never being able to have certain types of jobs or worse, being deemed a “miscreant”
If this was truly about protecting children they would encourage open dialogue on sex in homes and increase inclusive sex education. This is evidence based. It would still be necessary even with this nonsense because obviously vpns exist, as well as amateur run sites, sites run from outside of the USA, torrents, etc that don’t give a shit about us laws requiring age verification and will show all kinds of obscenely hardcore videos
KOSA would require age verification for these sites and social networking. Nationally.
Luckily the bill appears to be dead
Florida experiences a huge 1,150% surge in VPN use as Pornhub blocks access in response to age-verification law am really curious how long it will take them to ban VPNs.
It’s impossible to ban all VPNs. And even if they somehow do it, you can get a VPS(virtual private server) from one of the cloud providers (AWS, GCP, Azure etc.) and host your own vpn service (OpenVPN, Algo, Vultr). You don’t need to know a lot about it, there are step-by-step guides for it.
Companies have been compiling lists of which IP blocks are consumer Internet and which are cloud services. That’s why some VPNs are now selling home internet IP VPNs.
Yup, I have my own VPS hosted in Oregon, so if worst comes to worst, I can route my traffic through there.
Just block every AS that belongs to a hoster.
They’ll ultimately just have to cut off the US Internet from the rest of the world, right? As long as we can access other countries with more freedom, we can enjoy that level of freedom on the Internet. Or am I not understanding how the Internet works (entirely possible)?
If it makes you feel any better, you can rest assured that Capitol Hill doesn’t know how the Internet works either.
" And again, the Internet is not something that you just dump something on. It’s not a big truck. It’s a series of tubes. And if you don’t understand, those tubes can be filled and if they are filled, when you put your message in, it gets in line and it’s going to be delayed by anyone that puts into that tube enormous amounts of material, enormous amounts of material." - Alaskan Senator Ted Stevens
To be fair, at this late date, the tubes analogy isn’t that bad. I forget what point he was trying to make though.
He wasn’t necessarily wrong, he was just an asshole. The context for the meme was a speech he gave in vehement opposition to a proposed bill amendment which would have codified net neutrality principles into law. The concept he was blundering through explaining was basically just an eli5 version of limited bandwidth. I send this message (or, in his parlance, this internet) from my phone to Lemmy. It travels through a series of tubes to get there. If the tubes are clogged with traffic, my message might have to get in line. And that’s not fair to people who have the money to not be treated like a poor.
Fun fact, Senator Stevens was the longest serving senator to lose a bid for reelection, largely due the fact that he was embroiled in a big corruption scandal at the time. The conviction ended up being vacated due to prosecutorial misconduct though, and I didn’t care to dive any deeper, but I’m inclined to believe he was a grifter. Rest in piss.
All valid points. Except for the one about not having to be treated like you’re poor, but I think that one was made in jest.
I think he was trying to download something, it was taking time, and he thought the requested files are all in order in “the tubes”. He had to wait for the other files to be delivered before his arrived.
…or something.
I mean as far as metaphors go, it’s really not that bad. It’s visual and immediately understandable, and at least connected to the underlying thing it’s describing (network traffic really does flow down a series of wries/cables that are functionally “tubes” of electrons or photons). Hell, people have been likening an internet connection to a “pipe” since at least the 90s (it was already a thing when I first got internet access in '95).
Sure the guy who said it was a dickbag, but I can think of a dozen worse analogies offhand.
They’ll most likely try to pull off a setup similar to China.
What you’re not understanding is that Florida is just a single state out of 50
The people pushing these laws are hoping it will have the “California Effect.”
Like when California says “Cars need to meet X emissions standards” so far makers just make cars everywhere meet those standards.
They are hoping that by making age verification a thing in a few states, it will become a thing everywhere.
This fails to realize that one, it’s easy to geofence a state online (VPNs being anwork around). And Two, companies generally comply with California laws because, on the whole, California passes mostly positive limitations. It only makes the cars and world better if they all meet the better emissions standards. Blocking porn like this, is a net negative.
Also, on the subject of kids accessing porn. They are going to do it anyway, anyone thinking otherwise is oblivious to the world, and two, it’s not up to the state to nanny this shit, it’s up to the parents.
And Two, companies generally comply with California laws because, on the whole, California passes mostly positive limitations.
No, companies generally comply with California laws because California is a massive market. Companies don’t, on the whole, operate on what is mostly positive for society according to a specific flavor of progressive.
Companies operate on what is most profitable, and selling to California is usually good for profits, while running a separate production line just for California usually isn’t worth it. So if the regulations aren’t too expensive to meet, they’ll just switch the whole production over to meet California law because that minimizes costs and maximizes sales. The same kind of thing also happens with Texas, for much the same reason - especially with textbooks.
I agree with all of that. What I don’t agree with is blaming the entirety of the US for this policy. This is one dumbass state, doing a dumbass thing. The UK passed a similar law and I’d be just as wrong if I shit talked the rest of Europe for it.
As of January 2025:
While Pornhub is not blocked in Louisiana, it is blocked in these 17 states, a Pornhub representative confirmed to Mashable:
North Carolina
South Carolina
In Louisiana, where users must submit ID to view Pornhub, the site has seen traffic decline by around 80 per cent, Aylo (Pornhub’s parent company) told Mashable.
This is not just “Oh Florida is just being quirky again” this is systematic.
The UK vs EU and the states vs the USA is not apples to apples. As I understand it though, we’re actually approaching 20 US states requiring such verification. Iowa is trying to pass something similar. This is a trend across the country, which is why I generalized the USA.
When it comes to emissions laws, car co usually build a range just for California. It’s not hard to slate a few days just for a different exhaust.
Some US states already have more restrictive abortion laws than Saudi Arabia, so why not Internet laws too.
Every YouTuber sponsored by nordvpn: 🤑🤑🤑
Time for fediverse pron
We have lemmynsfw
Soon they’ll start recording you jerking it to cross reference with previous sessions as identity confirmation.
Well, they know what parts of what videos you watch, your favorite keywords, time/days patterns, location, I’d say they can train AI on that data
ChatGPT will be drawing conclusions from the data like “Subject is likely a tipthumbing twister (86.436% confidence) with content dependent high frequency intervals (94.738% confidence)”
It’ll analyze things like minor mouse movements, microphone audio, and use that wifi radar trick.
Can you imagine, training rec algos for porn sites on intensity of movement and facial expressions…
Edit: if this ever happens (and I’m 85% convinced it will in some way), I’ll just start crankin’ to financial spreadsheets and medication specs, keep’em guessing.
Biometric Orgasm face photo lol
That’s what you voted for. You want republican rule taking away your freedoms. Well now you Floridains have what you wanted and voted for. Don’t be mad you made your bed and dont like the sheets.
Given how close most elections are and the low turnout, I would say at least 40% of voters and 50% of the population didn’t vote for this without even having to look at the election results.
In fact, 77% of the USA population did not vote for this.
How many voted for something else?
Not enough.
Then we should pass electoral reform in each of our states so these people have representation in the voting booth.
By US standards it was a pretty high turnout.
However, more people didn’t vote than voted for Trump.
…and as many people voted for Trump in 2024 as voted for Trump in 2020, while Harris didn’t have the turnout Biden did.
Not voting is the same as voting for whichever party wins.
There is so much voter suppression in the US. I didn’t realize some of the more subtle ways it was suppressed until I moved to a state that has way less of it.
The US needs to end voter suppression. There are several ways of doing this but the top items: Mandate all election days (even those just at the state level) be paid holidays, automatically register all citizens to vote as soon as they turn 18, and make voting compulsory (not with punitive measures)
In Texas, the following is routine suppression other than the common nationwide suppression:
-People are often purged from voter registration even if they’re an active voter and voted in the last election. If you don’t check your registration months before the election, you’ll think you’re fine because you just voted but may show up and be told you’re no longer registered.
-Voting registration is cut off 30 days before the election. This is on the high end of the cutoff and further increases chances you get purged, don’t realize it in time, and then can’t re-register.
-Voting registration is mail in only. You have to physically print off the form and mail it in. This takes substantially more time when the post office is no longer a common trip for most people. It could easily be an online form like it is in many states.
-Rotating polling locations and hours for early voting. If you try to vote early on a day off for instance, you may get to the polling location and realize it’s only open on certain days of the week while other locations are open the full week or it has arbitrarily reduced hours on certain days. Other locations may then be much farther from that location.
-Polling locations far way from you. You may have to drive 30 minutes to 1 hour away to vote even in a city or if you don’t have a car, public transit may take prohibitively long (2+ hours one way) to get to the polling location.
-Attacking mail in ballots as fraudulent and often throwing them out. Based on 2022 data, 6-20% are thrown out depending on the county.There are so many more little things which all add up to the purpose of preventing people from voting. No wonder people don’t vote or attempt to vote, can’t, get discouraged or don’t have more time off to vote, and give up.
Edit: Formatting
Expanding on this, a lot of this is very consistent in the amount by which it suppresses voters, and thus, much like gerrymandering, can be designed around or intentionally enacted. I mean, that’s sort of an obvious thing, but I think it’s still important to take note of and point out, much like gerrymandering and every other form of voter suppression, because it makes it all the more obvious that we do not live in a democracy, even by a little bit.
Holy shit, that’s brutal.
Glad where I live you just have to show up with an ID at the location assigned based on your permanent residency. Even passport is okay if ID is lost or expires.
If you can’t, you can request a voter card that allows you to vote anywhere in the country. If you can’t vote physically, you can do mail-in.
While voting is physical, you can request voter card via e-residency login. You can also call your local voting committee and request they come to your house directly if you are disabled, elderly, or unable to come.
I would love to agree here, but I live in an area where they do such a piss-poor job of announcing when people need to vote, that even I have a hard time knowing all of the things and when they happen. I signed up for email/text alerts and they only go out a few days before voting day. For some people, that is not enough time to plan to be off and be at the polling place.
The system is broken.
The system is not broken, it is working exactly as intended
You know damn well not all Floridians voted for this shit. This is the same kind of out-group bullshit red hat shit bags do. You’re just being intentionally divisive.
I’m sorry but here is a prime example of the Republican party doing dishonest election tactics in Florida and the public masses falling for it. If you don’t have enough common sense and fall for such tactics, who is to blame then?
Most people assume politicians don’t lie. I know it’s absurd to think about but even people of middling intelligence still deserve rights.
Never trust a salesman, and a politician is just a salesman selling that he should be in charge of you.
They do, but how many times do you need to stop someone from touching a hot stove before you let them learn their lesson the hard way?
We shouldn’t be willing to let the house burn down to teach someone a lesson.
Nothing can be done for years. Till the next election. We are just a long for the ride able to carry out the first amendment right at the very least.
I thought everyone heard the saying as a child to not trust lawyers, politicians, and weathermen because they all lie.
Majority of voters did, and keep on doing it.
So all Americans deserve the bullshit?
Edit: I knew commenting was going to ruin my morning. You guys act like compassion is part of your moral code but when the “right” people are getting hurt you cheer it. It’s grossly hypocritical. This is people having their rights trampled on and you look down your nose at them telling them they deserve it.
You have my sympathy, but not my compassion.
My compassion ran out when America continued to embrace - even celebrate - right wing rule
Yea that’s fair. We are an embarrassment to the world right now but for us to fix it we need to be working together instead of carving ourselves up into more little tribes.
Endlessly being told “you don’t understand” by commenters who only use tv-friendly and repeatable povs and barely try to mask their hate towards their fellow citizens gets awful tiring huh? I left R-town to get away from the bloodlust but .world be too damn infested wit reddit 2.0 types fr
Pretty sure if it were up to these people, the law would have never passed. And it would be repealed now.
But it’s not. This is what the people of Florida voted for.
I didn’t vote for it, I didn’t want it, and just like the country I’m stuck with it. It’s acceptable to be an American and hate Trump and what he’s doing without being told you deserve it, but it’s not the same thing when it comes to Florida for some reason.
“Verification is carried out by 3rd party”. Totally no potential to misuse of collected data.
Why no, they specifically mentioned it being highly secure
“Trust us, bro.”
See the lock icon near the URL? It says you’re secure so don’t worry bro.
Guilty Canadian Admission:
In my teens I lived in Brockville Ontario near Ogdensburg New York and watched a lot of US channels. The Star Spangled Banner came on at the beginning of the broadcast day for some channels.
For many years, I thought the first line was “Jose can you see”
When I was a kid I thought the “for which it stands” in the national anthem was in reference to a country called “witchistan”, which was presumably full of witches.
I think Jose is from Witchistan
Nah, Witchistan’s national anthem is much more of a banger.
I actually snickered. Thanks for that.
Bonus points if your name is Jose.
I accidentally came up with a Minnesotan version: “Oh hey, can you see”
At least they owned the liberals, right?
I don’t care if kids see porn.
If that’s the worst thing ever, justifying this invasion of privacy, whoop de shit. Let 'em.
There’s a lot worse on the internet. There’s a lot worse on daytime television. Blood and guts and cults and informercials. Desirable crude entertainment is obviously not worth locking down the internet. I mean for fuck’s sake, at least with “four horsemen” excuses, like terrorism and money laundering, people agree that those things are bad.
It’s absolutely reprehensible that you think it’s okay for a child to see an infomercial
The thing is that by now, plenty of adults grew up watching porn when they were minors, and know that this hasn’t been harmful to them… so why are we even still getting laws like that, shouldn’t voters and their representatives know better by now…
These people are not results-oriented.
I’m stealing that for the next time I have to explain that I’m being held up by a third party not doing what they’re supposed to.
They are. Their intended result is just not the result they claim to want.
It’s old white fossils trying to stay in power by getting crazy christians to vote for them.
What about addiction? It’s not 100% but very possible
Being on porn sites all day is healthier than being on social media all day.
I’d disagree.
I mean, blood pressure and prostate health alone…
Sure, but thats not from porn, thats from jerking off. You should be able to do that without porn.
And you can live on food without spices.
OK, so we should require everyone to present ID for anything that could be addictive? That’s some awful “save the kids” BS. Screw that!
If you want to prevent your kids from watching porn, cool, do that. But don’t force everyone else to ID themselves because you’re too lazy to actually parent your kids.
I was never exposed to porn on the internet as a child, outside of advertisements and typing website names wrong. I never looked for it either, if a child is actively seeking it out, its up to a parent to deal with it. People should stop making laws to protect bad parents.
its up to a parent to deal with it
What a nice cherry on top of the hypocrisy pie. The party of “personal responsibility” and “small government” is perfectly happy when government is used to regulate sexuality and help out the irresponsible parents that don’t want to spend time monitoring their children’s Internet usage. Now young teens are going to learn how to use VPNs or just find the shadier sites that don’t give a shit about U.S. state laws.
Both of which would be adequately addressed by parents learning how to use the tools that are probably already built into their router.
Exactly. Screw everyone on both sides of the aisle that thinks this is anywhere near a good idea.
If you hate porn, be vocal about tools to block stuff you don’t like on your own network. Maybe even require ISPs to distribute that info to their customers. But don’t force anyone to do it.
Yes, you’re right. But that doesn’t fit with their “think of the children” moral compass. Which isn’t even pointing the correct direction, but good luck convincing them of that.
I feel like my compass analogy isn’t the best, but eh.
A valid response to “think of the children” is “fuck them kids.”
It’s not enough to politely disagree. Some fucks need to be dismissed.
I like this
Let me child see porn or trust a porn site with their photo and IS?
Fortunately, this is easy to work around, just get a VPN hosted in a didn’t different state or country.
We have something similar here in Utah, so I have a WiFi network that is always connected to a VPN in a neighboring state. If something isn’t accessible, I just swap WiFi networks and I’m good.
So what who cares. VPNs cost money and this is a question of basic freedom.
There are free VPNs as well, such as Proton’s free tier, or Tor. So you’ve got options.
But yes, I absolutely agree that this shouldn’t be necessary. My point is that it’s largely unenforceable if you put in a tiny amount of effort.
Free porn is basic freedom?
The porn is just the first place they start, their plan is to label anything lgbt as pornographic and require a similar process to view basic educational content. This is how they get around the 1st amendment.
Oh yeah I do see the slippery slope of this whole deal, the only thing that irked me was the wording of this comment as if xhamster is a basic human freedom, but I find that a little odd since xhamster and pornhub steal from sex workers to provide it “for free” y’know.
But with the banning of books and trans people unable to get in or out of the country… It is fucked up and scary.
Which LGBTQ content is educational ?'s_Anatomy
You’re obviously baiting arguments, but I’ll take the bait because you deserve to get put in your place.
In case you missed the last month of US politics, not all women have uteruses, and not all men have testicles. Intersex people exist and they deserve human rights.
Clearly just woke propaganda /s
There’s a correlation between people who swallow stupid right wing talking points and people who were unsuccessful educationally. It may be unproductive to take your rhetorical question literally and attempt to provide factual information in response.
Not sure, but it’s very ironic coming from “the land of the free”. Every day there is an american coming out in the Internet with the classic “you don’t have freedom of speech”, and then they have to provide a driving licence for a quickie
Seems like it became so, yea
But it’s more a question of anonymity / privacy while doing those things
Accessing it without violating your privacy is the issue, not the cost.
I mean yes? It’s just videos of naked people…
infinite porn is basic freedom
Honestly, these laws are just gonna hurt old men in Republican states. Like, I grew up with piracy, torrents, and old school forums. These educated me on computers enough that I made a career out of it. And most of that computer knowledge was gained because I wanted to see big tittied women sit on each other’s faces. These laws don’t stop horny teens from accessing porn. It just makes them better at it.
And this is definitely not one of the cases of “oh it’ll reduce numbers overall though”. No the fuck it won’t. It’s porn. They’re gonna access it. Literally every YouTuber they watch is sponsored by a VPN.
The only healthy thing to do is actually talking to your kids about porn. Educating them on its potential harms. But Republicans don’t ever want to talk to their kids. Ironically, these “drain the swamp” people just want daddy government to “prevent” their kids from accessing it. Which these laws don’t do.
These laws don’t stop horny teens from accessing porn. It just makes them better at it.
Exactly. And it punishes the responsible sites that follow the law and drives people to the sketchier sites that don’t.
If you want more viruses and identity theft, I guess this is a good law for you.
Yep. If these red states actually cared about kids they’d care about proper sex education. But I think this stuff just proves that Republicans are afraid of sex. They had an awkward conversation about it with their dad once and have been leaving their wives unsatisfied for 30 years since. They have no idea what to do if their kid actually came home from school and asked them what the difference between a clitoris and a vagina was. They are absolutely afraid of the female body and it’s why they try to control it so much.
Sorry. A bit of a rant. If this was a different conversation I’d have plenty to criticize about the sex industry too. But these conservatives don’t have enough brain cells to actually talk about the problems with it. So we have old men making laws that do nothing but make them feel better. Or it’s projection for their own porn addiction.
My money is on projection.
Column A and Column B for sure
Honestly, these laws are just gonna hurt old men in Republican states.
You know I think a lot more of their politics and general life outlook makes more sense when you understand that probably a lot of these super old guys are not computer literate enough to look up their niche fetishistic porn interests, and are probably still consuming porn the old fashioned way, which is becoming increasingly nonexistent even though it’s still something that actually exists. Plus the propagation of morally puritanical values means that if they kept any of that material around at all, they’d be hypocrites, so they can’t have that. Probably a lot of these dudes are walking around super pent up and sexually frustrated, I’d bet.
We need to introduce local community college and library courses to teach these elderly boomers how to goon
I think your theory is partially correct. But I think it’s just as likely they are gooners themselves. I feel like porn addiction (gooning) is more prolific which people that have reactionary beliefs. My theory is that their political leanings are a counter to their actual actions. I don’t think the gooner needs “material” to goon to. I think in it’s absence it will happen through a Macy’s magazine etc.
It’s similar almost to priest being the most common pedos. I think these types of conservative/reactionary ideologies just create sexual suppression that manifest in addictive behavior. This is not to say that all conservatives are pedos. But to say that those beliefs combined with sexual suppression often creat these extremes. Whether it be addiction to gooning (outside of their access to goon material) or otherwise.
Idk. I just think that it’s an unhealthy relationship with sexuality that any generation can fall pray to. But it’s happens more often based on the circumstances of each individual/generation. And it’s why it seems to be so extreme in both boomers and recent generations. They both are experiencing extreme economic material conditions/contradictions.
It’s similar almost to priest being the most common pedos.
Pedos tend to aggregate around any job that will give them trusted or unrestricted access to children. The suppression you’re talking about in this case isn’t just from religion, but permeates all of society. Like, they can’t even hypothetically leave the church and move somewhere more liberal where their desire for kid fucking isn’t being suppressed. At least not until the weird libertarian crypto-bros who oppose age of consent manage to create such a place.
Make sure you cum on your ID first as tribute.
Hey the cum can be anywhere. It doesn’t say “only” a picture of your face.
For example, why not put a mirror on a table. Put your ID next to the mirror. Look down into the mirror and ready your camera. Then, slap your dick right on the table next to the ID. Finally, banana for size.
That sounds like a chicken and egg problem. How is the cum getting on the ID before accessing the porn? If you use another means, surely you will no longer be in the mood for accessing a porn site…
Florida 🤝 UK
Ridiculous and archaic anti-porn laws